Monday, August 21, 2017

Top 5 bowing songs

After the finale hits its last note, it's time for the company bows and we can all go home, reminiscing on what we just saw, but with bows can come rwally catchy pieces of music, that are original or good enough to get placed on the soundtrack. Here are five standout bowing songs, amd feel free to share yours, this won't be the last time I talk about this, on to the list.

5. Annie : a very fun instrumental medly of some of the songs from the show, each piece fitting whoever is bowing and a very nice finish 

4. " Screech Out " Come from Away : A nice mix of songs in an amazing instrumental piece that makes you want to get up and dance

3. " Green Eggs and Ham" Seussical: One of my favorite introductions to theather that is fun for all ages, when the cast is taking their bows they partake in a song that is squeezing in more Seuss classic with a very catchy tune to boot

2. " Always Look on the Bright Side of Life Company Bow " Spamalot : As this monty python musical closes they reprise one of the best songs in the show with the whole cast, leaving myself and posssibly you smiling

1. " Come so Far Got so Far to Go " Hairspray : the song this show ends on is amazing, not just a small tune or a simple medley but a full blown song that is incedible, leaving you dancing along. This song stands on its own alongsidethe rest of the soundtrack and even is encouraging reminding the audience to look forward.

That's my list, hope you found some songs that are worth a look.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Are Musicals Overtaking Plays ?

One of my favourite websites is playbill they are a great central hub for news, information, trivia, and much more, they are a huge inspiration for this blog. As i was browsing , i relaized something the fact that they cover plays as much as they do musicals, yetin my social circle not many peopletalk about plays outside of highschool days and shakespeare. Yet some plays are pretty crucial such as the recently adapted " Fences " by August Wilson but how many people knew it was a play before going  in? Plays are important,  they havebeen around much longer then the musicals we all love listening to yet whenever theatre is meantioned we always jump to "Wicked " or " Hamilton" , even i am very guilty of that, i once thought plays would go extinct but as long as long there is an auidence, and adaptions, and classes to bring them into plays will always be around. But much like their song and dance counter parts they are always changing, and theatre is best enjoyed when we realized that it is full of many parts. What do you think ? And what plays do you reccomend comedic or dramatic? Leave your comments below

Friday, August 4, 2017

Finales (A Poem)

When the curtain falls and lights are low
The stage is not now what it was then
Until we make way for a new show
And  we start things over again
When we say our goodbyes
Taking our final bows on stage
Through laughter and tears in our eyes
Until then we turn the page
When the curtain falls and  lights go dim
When we can tell a nrw story again