Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Historical Figures That Could Have Awesome Musicals

As i was listening to  "Hamilton" again I remembered on of the reasons why I loved the show was that it told a story that was unknown to many, but not a lot of people love it and consider him their favorite founding father, for good reason. History being my favorite subject had me thinking, what events and people could be in awesome plays or musicals.

Shakespeare- though we have a great and fun adaptation in "Something Rotten", it would be cool to see a show about Shakespeare writing his shows and trying to live his life, also it would be a big inspiration to upcoming playwrights 

Walt Disney-  A story of joy and imagination, but maybe also would show things we don't know about him, it could be a feel good fun story.

Mozart- we have a lot of shows based on musicians coming and that is a topic for another day, but with shows like " Beautiful the Carole King Musical" arising in popularity maybe it would be cool to learn more about such a talented  artist and his very interesting life

Amelia Earhart- A story about rising above what others think of you and following your dreams, though with a sad ending her story would be informative and give people more facts about a very well known story 

Rosa Parks and The Civil Rights Movement- a story that could inspire as well as be a great drama

Maya Angelou- A spoken word show about an amazing poet, whose words inspire people to this day.

You may have noticed a common theme, a lot of these stories such as  Hamilton" or " Come From Away", don't just entertain, they encourage chasing your dreams by showing people who had the courage to do so. 

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