Sunday, September 26, 2021

The 74th Annual Tony Awards And The Broadway Is Back Concert 9.26.21

 Before I make this post and dive into this mostly fun event, I will not mention or bring mention to the show Jagged Little Pill until changes are made. I stand by those effected and I am hoping for a day where they can perform safety and without threat of harassment. There are more sources with better information on this story.

It has been a long time coming but the Tony Awards have finally arrived, this time split into two shows with two amazing hosts, Audra McDonald and Leslie Odom Jr. each housing fantastic performances. Each show was handled with care and mandates were upheld for the safety of the patrons and those performing. And with the limited amount of shows to pick from, this was a very different year for the Tony's. There were returning casts from shows past performing old favorites, so tonight not only awarded the current season of plays and musicals, but also celebrated with some of the best. Tonight harled Broadway's triumphant return with plenty of old favorites such as " You Can't Stop The Beat" from Hairspray, " What I Did For Love" from A Chorus Line, " For Good" from Wicked and so much more. 

Both of the hosts did amazing, bringing great performances as well as a ton of fun to tonight. Which was very much needed. This night celebrated theater as a whole and Audra McDonald and Leslie Odom Jr. did simply amazing, either or both of them can be counted on the host future tony awards. There was not a joke that dragged on or a moment that led to an awkward pause, but rather both them kept the energy flowing, had plenty of fun moments, and hosted fantastically, both also performed amazingly, every time they performed.

Almost every performance (barring one I will not discuss) was amazing. Every past song performed by former castmates or past tony winners brought tears to my eyes, all but one of them bringing a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. And Tina and Moulin Rouge did amazing, the former being energetic and powerful, the later being energetic and just plain fun. The songs that brought back cast members brought tears to my eyes and reminded me why I love these songs and these shows, whether it was from a cast member or a person from the musical community. 

The speech's challenging the viewers and the industry itself with such honesty, grace, and passion. The performance and speech from the Broadway Advocacy Association had me cheering, and on the edge of my seat, it was purely powerful. There were many amazing speeches, calling for a better and brighter future for ALL and every one hit the nail on the head. Not just calling for change from the audience but rather the industry itself. There are many steps needed to go forward, and this is a place where those steps need to be taken, and already should have been. 

I enjoyed most of the night, besides one performance I loved all the others, I had an enjoyable night. I laughed, I cried, I cheered, I rocked out to some of my favorite songs, I was moved by others, I was challenged by some of the speeches, I was moved. I missed theater and the joy that it brings only in the way it can. I will be giving an update soon on what content is to come on this blog, but this gave me hope and made me excited to one day, safety sit in a theater and enjoy my favorite art form. Broadway may not be back for all of us yet, but it is back in a capacity and slowly coming back, and I am more then ready for it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Newsies (Broadway Cast)

 If you own Disney Plus, there a good number of musicals whether it is a film, an animated movie, or a couple of their live taped musicals. Of course there is Hamilton but I want to talk about one that has been on there long before that production. Originally on Netflix, available for purchase for those who want to own it, I am talking about The Newsies Broadway Experience. Originally aired in movie theaters this reunion of the original Broadway cast of Disney's Newsies is a fun, heartwarming, and uplifting production that is a must for musical fans.

Based mostly on the film from the 90's this follow a group of Newsies, their hopes, their lives, and how they must take on their employer. Going on strike and trying to get their voices heard, their fight is not an easy one. But what is easy is for the audience to love this soundtrack. From sweeping group numbers that are full of energy and life, to solo songs that are full of character and can not be forgotten. From score to song, this soundtrack is perfection. Every song serving a purpose, moving the plot along, developing characters all while being relatable and catchy. The group numbers are this shows strong suit and there is not a weak one in the bunch. They are can range from fun and light hearted to epic ballads accompanied by top notch instrumentation. 

This taped production is well shot capturing the scope and scale of seeing it live. As someone who saw it live this is a perfect adaption, while some shots in other productions hop around or do not savor a moment this is different, this is filmed so well it feels as if you sitting in the theater watching it live. Each returning acting shines, and brings a cast album many have listened to life, well acted in song and during dialogue. Conveying emotion from start to finish, bringing the characters to life and adding gravity to the challenges they face. Each song is masterfully performed with the same emotion, making the transitions seamless and the show a wonderful tale the audience watch unfold.

There are some storylines in this show I do not care for, and they seem to take away from the more gripping ones. There are also a song or two that are give or take situations, they can add to the show, but if they were removed, nothing of value would be lost. These faults are few and far between, and the good outshines the bad in spades. For every piece of dialogue that leads nowhere or joke that doesn't land, there is a scene full of heart and charm that really stays with the viewer. 

This is a must for any musical fan who has Disney Plus alongside the great production of Hamilton this show deserves love as well. A inspirational tale of overcoming obstacles with songs that inspire those long after the curtain falls. With a ton of heart and charm, this story is one that is worth your time and is worth being a front page story. Seize the day and treat yourself, you may find yourself inspired as well. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Come From Away

On September 10th 2021 a proshot of Come From Away landed on Apple TV, and I like many were excited to see this show come to life where I had only listened to the album before. I have listened to the album on repeat for a couple years now. So with all the crazy events going on and a still shaky future for live theater, seeing a show that I have wanted to see brought me plenty of joy from start to finish.

This show is once again tried and true proof that proshots should become a norm when it comes to musicals. Making shows that are still fresh and new, that may have tours but may not come to every area. Giving greater access to those who would not have seen the show otherwise. This is one of the best shows I have seen and only gives me a deep want to see it live when the opportunity best presents itself.

This tale follows true events of what happened during the September 11 attacks back in 2001, following the people who were diverted to Canada from around the world, and those who welcomed them with open arms. This show follows true stories, full of heart, humor, but never too afraid to sugar coat or dance around details. This show tells the whole story, happy moments and sad ones, incredibly well told. The story tells the full story perfectly, and captures every emotion it wants to convey perfectly to make a truly unforgettable experience. This can also be leant to amazing performance by the case show, each member giving their all to bring this story to life, and they did, they really did.  

The music full of life, and with amazing instrumentation. Each song conveying emotion, hand in hand with the dialogue and brings this story to life. Taking you back to this day and showing many different angels. Each song has a place and whether somber or upbeat, is memorable. No song is out of place, and each one is performed incredibly well. Each song is amazing and if you can, the album is worth at least one listen. This show gives not only humor, heart, and truth but also inspiration and encouragement. Showing kindness on one of the darkest days, from people who did not even share a country. On the foundation of " You would have done the same", showing a strong connection, and how we all pray, feel fear, and push through life together. The show shows how humanity shined, a flicker on that terrible day, and made a lasting impression. Inspiring the audience to do the same, and brighten uip the world, even in the smallest of ways. 

This is worth a watch, if you want to laugh, cry, think, and be encouraged all at once. This show is a must, with great music, great acting, and a well shot production to be kept and shown to many. It is worth watching on the streaming service it is on, and I am hopeful for a DVD or digital purchase release. This production is a must see, showing us that even on a island in between there and here, we can all find hope and humanity, even in a place we would never expect. Even if it were just once, this is a must watch and listen. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Me And The Sky: A Song And A Story (Come From Away)

 As I prepare for the release of Come From Away on Apple TV I decided to go through on of my favorite songs in not just this show but in musicals period. As I wait to see how it plays out I decided to go through the song Me And The Sky, and discuss why this song not only makes for great music but also a great story. Not only giving information to the audience, but giving a narrative that hooks them while being a good song is no easy feat, let's see how this tune fares. 

This song follows the story of  pilot Beverly Bass from the moment she yearned to fly, to the obstacles she has overcome, how she conquered them, and what she is facing now. She gives us a tour of this story, making it not only relatable but also very personal. The tune begins with a wonderful acoustic guitar to lead us gently into the song, as the song goes more singers and instruments are added growing to highlight how far our narrator has come. 

Beverly begins where it all started and gives us a song and a story in one which this show does masterfully in spades. She guides us into the chorus which uses the word suddenly, but not for the sake of repetition but rather holding a different meaning, showing how quickly your dreams can be realized, even if they start in a less then desirable passion you can still enjoy parts, and if you keep at it and keep chasing them. The instrumentation grows and we hear the powerful lyrics " Suddenly there's nothing in between me and the sky" both in a figurative and literal sense in this case.

We get to the next part of her career and even though she is in the air, Beverly is being blocked in one form or another. The story shows how at some points she is standing alone where none of her coworkers had her back, thinking she didn't belong as a pilot. But as the song heads back to the chorus we see she kept at it and became the first female American captain in history, and once again she shot for the sky and made it. Keeping her eyes on her dreams she preserves and mentions how over time things turned around, giving great inspiration. 

But this is where the song takes all expectations and throws them out the window, what could have been a light, fun, inspiration added the truth and brings us back to the reality of the situations those on September 11th face even to a pilot. She describes family life and how suddenly she is married and a mother. Everything seems perfect but then the suddenly is used for something different, how she must land, how " something I loved more then anything was used as the bomb", and how something was between her and the sky. The song ends with less instrumentation and on a more somber note but a powerful one. 

This song tells a full story, with ups and downs and thus tells a real one. Masterfully written and performed by the Jenn Colella and the original Broadway cast with great instrumentation, this song will give you everything. Inspiration, feeling, reality, a relatable story of overcoming and facing challenge all wrapped with very real and raw emotions. This song tells a full story and does not shy away from using the good and the bad, a beautiful piece that has shares the truth through a wonderful true story. This song is a must listen, and I can not recommend it enough.