Thursday, December 30, 2021

My Favorite Musical Movies/ Events Of 2021

 The year is drawing to a close and with that, looking back. But instead of making a ranked list, I thought I would talk about some of my favorite musical things that happened this year. Many if not all I have full blog posts about, so think of this as a recap of some of the musical highlights of this year for me, and there is a lot to cover, we got a ton of content this year, it was amazing.

The Movies

" Encanto", "In The Heights" and "Tick Tick Boom" had us all singing along this year, and all of them were amazing experiences.  I love each of them, "Tick Tick Boom" being my favorite film I have seen this year, period including musicals and non-musicals alike. The songs from each of these features has filled up my playlists with stealer performances, great melodies and wonderful stories.

I reviewed all of these in posts before, if you want more information on a specific film from this list. But each of these have amazing music, great stories, and look fantastic. I will find myself watching these over and over again alongside other great musical films, whether animated, original or adaptation.

I did not see every musical movie this year but these were fantastic watches from start to finish. Each one full of character, great songs, and music that you will find yourself humming over and over. Mostly for me right now the soundtrack of "Encanto" has been on repeat for a few days now, with no signs of stopping. Each of these is a must watch.

Apple T.V

"Schimgadoon" proved to be my favorite show of the year. It was an easy binge and one of the reasons I got Apple T.V to begin with. Musical series or shows are not that common, and even then some are not good but in this case it was nothing short of amazing. But the first reason I invested in another streaming service was for the " Come From Away" proshot, and it did not disappoint. As someone who does not have access to live theater at the moment and tours are not really reinstated yet this was something that made my day, if not my month when it dropped. This production was not only well produced but well performed and gave me the feeling of sitting in the theater again, both of these pieces of media made me laugh, cry, and sing along making this streaming service worth every penny.

The Tony Awards And Broadway Is Back Concert

Stellar performances and legacy pieces that captured why we love this art form as a whole, and that was just the performances at the Thanksgiving Day parade! All jokes aside the Tony Awards this year was full of new performances, and call backs that filled my heart to the brim with joy to see this art form return after being gone for so long. It made for an unforgettable night full of inspiring speeches to change the future while we have this chance too and should, amazing performances and fun moments. It was a great night.

I did not see every film, or live show, or event or listen to every new album but from what I did these stand out. If I had to pick an absolute favorite then it's "Tick Tick Boom" for the way it inspired me, and still surprised me every time I watch it, it is a near perfect film and is nothing short of fantastic. But everything on this list is worth looking into and checking out, from the opening number at the Tony Awards to "Encanto" on Disney Plus. The fantastic songs and performances that had me smiling ear to ear in "In The Heights" to "Come From Away" giving me something I missed so much with a live performance so good it felt like I was in the same room. Each of these are great and if you want in depth looks at these, I have posts about them on this blog, have a happy new year and see you for more musical content in 2022.

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