Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Chip On My Shoulder (Legally Blonde The Musical) Musical Motivation

 This song has so much character in it, that I have decided to listen to it over and over to discuss it with you. I would have done it anyway because this song is amazing but that is besides the fact. Clocking in at eight minutes and fifty seconds there is a lot of ground to cover so let's get started.

The song opens with Elle defeated when she comes across Emmitt who we have met before in the show but have never heard his story. When asked he tells Elle why he has managed school and two jobs and why. Not only coming from a rough background but also why he was able to get so far, he gets to the chorus and explains the chip on his shoulder. Now when someone first hears that phrase they think someone with something against the world, but Emmitt is different, he uses it as motivation. Using Elle's comment to confirm he is driven and wanting to excel to be the best of the best. He proclaims how he will not waste his chance and so close that he will keep pushing forward.

As the song continues you find out why he does not attend social outings or waste his time chasing popularity like some other characters. He would rather work hard and buy his single mom a big house, then returning to the chorus saying how he told his mom the same and how he will keep striving. This is a great way to not only show a strong and motivated character but one the audience will root for. He is helping Elle who is hitting her all time low, and sharing why. This automatically sets Emmitt apart as his own character in the span of minutes and makes him someone you want to get to know more and watch his story play out.

The song continues as the pair teams up, mixing humor with a montage of Elle getting more in tune with the subject material of school, time passage being represented by different holidays being song by the Delta Nus. Elle is still infatuated with her ex but is getting help from Emmitt and trying, until we get to amazing moment about six minutes into this song. Elle realizes not only her potential but embraces, proclaiming she has a chip on her shoulder and is done fawning over her ex boyfriend but wants to face the world head on. The song concludes with Elle not only showing in class how far she has come that everyone is impressed but so is Emmitt. He ends the song celebrating how far she has come with bigger goals in sight, he is so happy to have helped someone and shows how he is genuinely a good character, helping someone just because it is the right thing to do and because he has been there. This song adds so much for both of their characters, not only showing and establishing one but showing them grow.

The message of keeping motivated and growing is throughout this whole song and not only propels the cast forward but inspires the audience. By showing a character grow and the whole process it shows that progress does not come over night but inspires the audience to keep motivated in pursuit of their dreams. The song shows that you might find a new you and it is better then whatever those around of you say you are, Elle had been this way because so many put her in a box and she allowed herself to be. When she steps out of it she soars and shows she can stand on her own whether with her ex or not. The moment she gets a chip on her shoulder is a great emotional pay of and shifts the story in a way that adverts expectation, she gives up chasing the boy and shows she can stand on her own. The music and instrumentation in combination of the lyrics makes the song incredibly memorable. The lyrics are inspiring and so good, whether it's Emmitt's backstory or Elle stepping forward, the song is fun and inspiring, with so much character and heart, not only moving the plot along but inspiring the audience to keep motivated as well in such an unforgettable way. 

Over the course of this incredibly catching song not only are the characters motivated which then motivates the audience while using a very memorable song. But a character who has been losing constantly gets one of her first major wins and it is an awesome moment. This song introduces a character and establishes him as someone who the audience can root for and identify with as well as getting Elle farther then she has been in the plot so far. The song shows the bond of two characters begin so it can expand and grow later in the show, and has a powerful message. This song is not only fun and inspiring but it is a masterpiece and I highly recommend it. 

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