Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Sunday (Sunday In The Park With George)

 This song is not only about making art, this song is art. The theme of art forming into one perfect moment is displayed in this beauitful song without flaw, and though there are so many options. This is my favorite piece ever made by the late and always great Stephen Sondheim. I listen to many of his amazing pieces of music, and I will always, but if I had to pick one as my absolute favorite, this is the song. 

In the midst of chaos and confusion, the artist remembers the core principles. Suddenly the loud outside world fades into a serene paradise, making not just a painting, but a piece of art. The cast sings a beauitful string of words describing the painting they are forming into. Each actor takes their position and as the song builds, staying somber before landing a triumphant ending where the orchestrating and vocals swell into a perfect moment, making the painting that so many know.

Each lyric performed quietly, as the song builds, each lyric building on each other yet keeping the mood constant throughout. The orchestration, beauitful, completing the beautiful descriptions being made as art comes into fruition. The song begins in pure chaos before reaching that moment of when everything lines up and art is made. Everything Geroge has talked and sung about has formed into one perfect moment, as the cast sings in unison to make harmony.

The moment which he has sought for all of act one has built to this moment, where art comes to life . The beauitful lyrics and melody never grow old as this song has such powerful emotion behind it. The song speaks of a park on an ordinary Sunday to quote the song directly and yet it summons such powerful emotion. The beauitful descriptive lyrics and the melody hand in hand create a truly unforgettable song that leaves me speechless every time I hear it. 

This song never ceases to inspire me, and show beauty and power in simple moments, the theme of making art and harmony come together in what I can only describe as a perfect song. If you have not listened to this song, please listen to it at least once. The pure emotional power, with beauitful and descriptive lyrics paired with a wonderful melody is nothing short of extraordinary, making this ordinary Sunday, one you will never forget. 

Stephen Sondheim

 In the recent news of the passing of a legend in the world of the stage, I wanted to share my personal experiences with his work. Stephen Sondheim inspired me on countless occasions through so many shows, whether it was Into the Woods, Merrily We Roll Along, Sunday In The Park With George my favorite of his, and so much more. From A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum or West Side Story the lyrics in his shows were always relatable and were so well written at the same time. 

His work has inspired me on countless occasions, through so many songs. The lyrics speaking how I felt into music that I never grew tired of. Whether it was songs about making art, or being human. I could list countless lyrics that are so masterfully written that are poetry in motion.

The themes in many of his shows whether the setting was fictitious or grounded in a reality we know spoke so much truth about how we feel, how we dream, or how we relate to those around us. I just recently covered Company for this blog and how it conveyed the American dream and what it means to make it in life and that is just one example of how powerful Sondheim made his shows.

The compositions combined with so many songs such as "Ladies Who Lunch", "Sunday", "Children Will Listen" and so many more are not just classics, they have inspired the current generations and the future of musicals forever more. The characters complex and human, the songs unforgettable in a style all their own, wrapped into stories that took the audience to wonderful places.

Stepehen Sondheim will never be forgotten, and will always live on through his art, and the wonderful stories he gave us. 

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Tick Tick Boom (Movie Review, Non Spoiler)

Many of us know of the show RENT and the impact it had on Broadway musicals, Jonathan Larson who brought this show to use, was taken far too soon has a story that needs to be told. This film which is Lin Manuel Miranda's directorial debut tells that story. With Andrew Garfield stepping into the role, this is his story about his art, his life, and the people he loved. In some cinemas but available on Netflix, Tick Tick Boom follows Jonathan Larson as he tries to make his art, and navigate in a world where he is running out of time. With Broadway stars and legends both represented and making cameos throughout the film, this is my favorite movie musical this year, and for many years to come.

The performances, songs, and everything about this film is near perfect. I smiled, I sang along, I cried, this film was art. This film portrays art in such a realistic way that I have not felt this way about a musical since Sunday In The Park With George. It captures every emotion it portrays, while portraying real dilemmas and even more so, real people. I felt for moments that I could see the world through Jonathan Larson's eyes, and when a musical guides you through it's narrative that close to the character that it feels as if you are going on their journey, it succeeds. This movie succeeds in spades. 

It never shies away from real issues, or to show someone making mistakes, this movie shows real people. It captures the life of an artist who's work changed the game in ways he never got to see. The performances are all amazing, from scene to scene and song to song. Each song fits, nothing is out of place, this is a near perfect film. Every song lands what it seeks to make the viewer feel, everyone memorable and masterfully performed, making this an adaptation worth celebrating for decades to come. The editing masterfully one, blurring the lines between adaptation and documentary, as well as capturing the feel of the time period. Instead of being a dated piece of media, it feels like you are stepping back to a time where a timeless narrative plays out. 

This is a must watch for theater fans, every reference and cameo was a delight to find and only added to the enjoyment of the film without being a distraction. Even without knowing this movie is a must watch about art, life, friendship and love. Every beautiful song and excellent performance is a must watch, not only making this one of the best films I have seen this year but in my entire life. Where so many adaptations make their own way, do an okay job, or miss the mark, this one hits bullseye. I can find no flaws with this film, the cast relatable, the story real, the music fantastic, this is an artist's story. And more then just a two hour story, this is the picture into someone's life. All I can say is watch this on Netflix, you will not be disappointed. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Company (Cast Album)

 I enjoy many of the works of Stephen Sondheim, my favorite being Sunday In The Park With George, but this is a show I have only heard one song from this show which happens to be "Ladies Who Lunch" an emotional, lyrical masterpiece. With this show returning to the main stage of Broadway soon and is currently in previews I decided to give this show a listen through the album, and potentially add another favorite to my list of favorite Sondheim shows. There are many different adaptations of this show, the one I listened to was the 2018 London cast.

This show follows Bobby who is single, and his many friends who are married, supposedly happily and only want the best for him. As the show goes we get a deeper dive into married life, the standard American dream, and what love means to some people. This is the story I could gather from just listening to the album, and the show seems down to earth but full of Sondheim's wonderful story telling. Any environment can be mundane and house fantastic narratives or raise great questions, and with this show the music grips the listener quickly, with powerful lyrics. 

Many of the songs are upbeat and quick paced, which backs up the setting of a busy modern life. Bouncing from dinner to dinner, party to party and trying to navigate it all. Through these light and bouncy tunes there are real questions posed not only about love but what it means to make it in life. And when the show slows down, the show does not come to a halt but rather asks questions that get lost in all the busy shuffling of the American dream. The slower songs are packed with with heart, and will stay with the listeners long after the song ends.

The more upbeat pieces add some levity and fun to show, but also are hiding lyrics with powerful meanings. I did not enjoy every number but the ones I did, kept me hooked. Some I was good with just one listen, and some songs I listened to, again and again.

":Ladies Who Lunch" is a standout, and a complete showstopper, this song is unforgettable. This song plays with expectations in the best way possible, leading to an emotionally devastating finale, all wrapped up in masterful lyrics. The finale of this show is very well done, the conclusions some characters come to, lead to an incredible conclusion, in a simple yet powerful moment. 

Even though, Sunday In The Park With George remains my favorite Sondheim show, this one is a great addition, becoming one I will revisit often. This is a show I want to see now, and see how it plays out, in conjuncture with some of these amazing tracks, I want to see how this music ties to the story. A great show that has elements of fun, while asking great questions to walk away with, a show that is definitly worth your company for at least one listen. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

With All Of Your Heart (Song Talk)

  Today I decided to revisit the show exclusive to Apple T.V that I covered not to long ago. That's right we are going back to Schmigadoon to talk about my favorite song in the entire series, and when there is not one weak track in this collection, it all comes down to opinion. Yes every song in this show is top notch from start to finish, solo, duet, or group number. But today I am picking one that I listen to when I need a boost, a song with a great message that is fantastic that embodies a mix of classic songs with a great modern style. So while I work on some of the bigger projects, and there is a fair amount, it is time for another song talk. 

This song is led by the town teacher and her classic, helmed by Ariana DeBose this song is not just a great group number bust also a showstopper. This song is from the fourth episode of the six episode series, each episode having a great level of heart, entertainment, and of course great music both paying homage and parodying the classic era. With great lyrics, a fun dance break, and everything that embodies the classic style in a modern format done fantastically.

Each lyric not only matching the fun and lively instrumentals but holding words of truth in them. A song about the importance of seeing things through, but in fun and light tone, never demeaning. The lyrics all being memorable from start to finish, and when we loop around the background cast fit in perfectly. The school teacher enlists her students to help her, literally spelling out some of the words and emphasizing the song, as well as moral behind it. The song reminds us of seeing things through, which in the context of the story has more then one meaning, showing how well written and placed these songs are.

The message is not only encouraging but holds truth in it, that applies to so many areas. Whether it be art, school, a job or something more personal. The song shows and explains how hard work pays off in a great way, making it a fun lesson to learn or refresh on. The lyrics are inspiring to keep going on something, big or small. 

The song is fun and can have a listener listening again and again, enjoying the fun instrumentation, and being inspired by the words. Each lyric fits in and works well with the instrumentation making it a great listen. The dance break doesn't over stay its welcome and leads to a really fun finale. If you are watching it in the context of the show it also leads to a great comedic pay off, but if you are listening it ends on a great note. This song is a showstopper from a series full of them. So give the show a watch and you may also find yourself listening to this song, even after the credits roll. 

Coming Soon

 . Tick Tick Boom Review

. Album Reviews Both Current And From Seasons Past

. A Retrospective 

. Animated Movie Musical Talks/ Reviews/ Content