Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Company (Cast Album)

 I enjoy many of the works of Stephen Sondheim, my favorite being Sunday In The Park With George, but this is a show I have only heard one song from this show which happens to be "Ladies Who Lunch" an emotional, lyrical masterpiece. With this show returning to the main stage of Broadway soon and is currently in previews I decided to give this show a listen through the album, and potentially add another favorite to my list of favorite Sondheim shows. There are many different adaptations of this show, the one I listened to was the 2018 London cast.

This show follows Bobby who is single, and his many friends who are married, supposedly happily and only want the best for him. As the show goes we get a deeper dive into married life, the standard American dream, and what love means to some people. This is the story I could gather from just listening to the album, and the show seems down to earth but full of Sondheim's wonderful story telling. Any environment can be mundane and house fantastic narratives or raise great questions, and with this show the music grips the listener quickly, with powerful lyrics. 

Many of the songs are upbeat and quick paced, which backs up the setting of a busy modern life. Bouncing from dinner to dinner, party to party and trying to navigate it all. Through these light and bouncy tunes there are real questions posed not only about love but what it means to make it in life. And when the show slows down, the show does not come to a halt but rather asks questions that get lost in all the busy shuffling of the American dream. The slower songs are packed with with heart, and will stay with the listeners long after the song ends.

The more upbeat pieces add some levity and fun to show, but also are hiding lyrics with powerful meanings. I did not enjoy every number but the ones I did, kept me hooked. Some I was good with just one listen, and some songs I listened to, again and again.

":Ladies Who Lunch" is a standout, and a complete showstopper, this song is unforgettable. This song plays with expectations in the best way possible, leading to an emotionally devastating finale, all wrapped up in masterful lyrics. The finale of this show is very well done, the conclusions some characters come to, lead to an incredible conclusion, in a simple yet powerful moment. 

Even though, Sunday In The Park With George remains my favorite Sondheim show, this one is a great addition, becoming one I will revisit often. This is a show I want to see now, and see how it plays out, in conjuncture with some of these amazing tracks, I want to see how this music ties to the story. A great show that has elements of fun, while asking great questions to walk away with, a show that is definitly worth your company for at least one listen. 

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