Wednesday, January 26, 2022

If The Glass Shoe Fits: The Animated Disney Classic We All Know, The Sequel, And The One You Should Know About

 We cannot do a Cinderella deep dive without mentioning the classic animated film. To this day many see it as the definitive way of telling the story, fun visuals, memorable songs, as if the story came to life. This story has reached generations and is still being shown today. It is timeless and will probably continue you on for years to come. Disney saw this and even rebooted this story and given it a sequel or two, so let's dive into this adaptation, it is a must when talking about Cinderella. Before I dive in, I will not be covering the reboot because I have not seen it, and it is not on Disney Plus for some odd reason, but all three animated versions will be. 

The First

What can be said about this timeless film that has not been said? This is to many the best Cinderella adaptation and if they said so I can see why. This film holds up in terms of quality and the way it tells the story. Yes, it adds the talking mice, and some songs, as well as toning down the violence of the original but that is just fine. This adaptation keeps the spirit of the original while showing Cinderella as a kindhearted, dreamer who longs to be something more. Though not note for note with the original story, the heart of the tale surges through this adaptation. The songs are timeless favorites that can still be performed today, this film holds up, and all the praise it has garnered still stands. This film is as good as it was back then as it is now. The animation and look of this film has such a classic look, the songs a sound that is hard to forget. The versions of these characters such as the Stepmother, Sisters, Fairy Godmother, and even Cinderella herself here are the versions that most people think of when they hear the name Cinderella. That makes perfect sense for this tale is truly timeless. It holds up and the best way to describe this film is a timeless classic. A great trip down memory lane and to spend an afternoon, a timeless, feel-good story. 

The Second

"Dreams Do Come True" is the title of this direct to DVD follow up and dreams will happen because this film is an absolute snooze. This is NOT how to follow up the timeless classic that proceeded it. Three mini stories tied together none of them interesting aside from the final story where Cinderella helps one of her sisters find love in a surprisingly sweet story. The jokes never land, the writing is super simple, and this entire sequel is as pointless as a smashed pumpkin when the clock is at 12:15. The music is all pop songs and not fun ones either, they were in one ear and out the other. Aside from the last story, and good animation for direct to DVD, this is story worth skipping in its entirety. The characters who are still great don't have much to do and that is why this plot drags. Definitely don't give this dream come true a single thought. 

The Third

A film titled Cinderella 3 A Twist In Time feels like a joke, but it's not, and this movie is incredible. I will not dive into the plot because this one is really worth a watch, but I will say that it involves time travel, a sinister plot, true love, and plenty of funny and even heartwarming moments. There are some plot points that are not the best, and some are a tad contrived. But the good outweighs the bad in spades. There are elements that carry over from Cinderella 2 even surprisingly, but I recommend just looking up the easter eggs, though one of the plot points from the second film is acknowledged and dealt with. This one makes the second film necessary in more ways than the entire second film ever did. The songs are fun and better the second one, there are some great jokes, and a ton of surprisingly sweet moments. This film is a must, and each character has something to do to advance the plot, the animation spectacular for direct to DVD. This one is worth watching time and time again.

If you wish to watch these, all three are on Disney Plus, but we are not done with this platform just yet, but that will have to wait for another night. 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

If The Glass Shoe Fits: Andrew Llyod Webber's Cinderella


Image Source: PR Newswire

Info Source: Wikipedia

There are a few newer takes on the tale that I plan on covering, among some of my favorites we got two new adaptations of the classic tale last year, one on Amazon Prime and a delayed American production, but a West End Production and Album for Andrew Llyod Webber's take on this story. Though it has yet to come stateside, the plot synopsis is on Wikipedia, and I will sum up part of it but let me just say you are going to want to know the plot or at least a general idea for this show. The album mentions parts in the songs that you need a knowledge to fully understand, so let's see where this show stands just based off of the songs when the clock strikes twelve. 

Without giving a full-on synopsis, the town and kingdom is perfect, there were two princes but now just one, Cinderella doesn't wear makeup and she always speaks her mind, everyone has to be perfect, the fairy godmother is a plastic surgeon, and everyone has to be perfect and is obsessed with their status and looks. The plot is wild and even after reading about the events and listening to songs multiple times, it is not the best take on the tale. It is super mean spirited, complicated in places where it didn't need to be, and that is with me leaving parts out. The show is super mean spirted and has a jaded cynical edge, for every single character. Even though the plot did not bode well with me. There are some twists that did not fit for me, such as crass jokes or ideas of the outfit from the godmother being too painful to wear that Cinderella would pass out by midnight. To a prince and Cinderella giving into what others say in very out of character moments. I can only hope the music don't by Andrew Llyod Webber fares better for me.

The music for this was a mixed bag, and actually reminded me of Webber's last work "School Of Rock The Musical" as in the genre and tone are all over the place. This show is a mixture of like three different genres of music, from traditional Broadway, to punk, to acoustic and more. And some of these songs are great. Albeit Cinderella has three ballads that all sound the same that are all about the same thing of being a loner and outcast. Some of these songs are stupid fun, like one with all the "Hunks" of town and how they feel about the prince. Some of the songs are fun, but even in the songs I like not all of the lyrics hit.

Some of the lyrics took me out of the experience or enjoyment of the song, on top of the songs even having a sad or cynical edge. This story is a Cinderella tale about marrying for love, not being ashamed of who you are and being yourself. But a ton of the songs are about giving in, being picked on, or how sad or unnoticed the character is that I feel like this loses the spirit of the classic tale. It is so negative, and the constant genre hopping had me confused, so much so I went back and listened to "School Of Rock" a show I covered on this blog a LONG time ago and they sounded super similar. Constant genre swapping, tons of cynicism, jumbled lyrics, unclear motivations, tons of characters and giving all of them a song. They felt like the same shows with only a different set piece.  The leads dejected outcasts, with love interests too scared to step out of the box (The prince even worse because he takes everything the wrong way), a huge ensemble with a ton of group numbers that start and stop the plot constantly. It was hard to tell the difference after a while.

That being said, some of these songs are beauitful, some of the ballads are great, some of the song's fun, and some are great listens. For me personally the jokes being included, and negative edge took me out of the experience as I found myself tired of the constant negativity and occasional crassness. The songs I did like were good, and if you want a bunch of genres mixed together give this show a listen. There is about two hours' worth of music, but you may find yourself moved or entertained, so give the album a listen, and if you enjoy the show and music that's great! 

For me this Cinderella was hard to root for, she was constantly negative, down, or giving up. She is always wanting to run away, give in, and giving into being like those around her when her and her prince have songs about how they love being different. This shows dour tone, uninteresting leads, and a soundtrack that is all over the place, matching the plot appropriately, all tied together with a weak and muddled message had me wanting more. There are good songs, good ideas, and a good show buried in here, but as is, I was okay skipping this ball and staying home. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

If The Glass Shoe Fits: Into The Woods

 We start with a very different take on this tale, as she has to share the stage with many more than just her evil stepsisters. The version of Cinderella found in Into The Woods, the classic musical written by the late great Stephen Sondheim. And warning for those who have not seen this masterpiece, for these work and future pieces I will be going into spoilers, and in this case, there is massive twist. Also for this version I will be covering the stage version as I have not seen the film. 

The first act follows the story we know and sticks to the classic route of the original story, so birds attacking the sisters among other grim and violent parts included. It is the standard meeting a nice yet super goofy and aloof prince whose brother pines for Rapunzel, to falling in love, yet this version does not come with a fairy godmother, but the rest of the pieces are there. It seems all perfect for our new princess as the cast sings the song "Ever After" and the curtain falls and ends act one. But as act two begins she questions her life as a princess and a love that is fading, unfortunately even more so for her royal husband who has an affair and eventually leaves her alone, with a rampaging giant none the less. He even leads to the death of another character, on the prince scale, he stinks. She then helps save the day and helps the baker care for his child, as she finds a new family of friends in the ravaged world as the curtain closes with its impactful message. 

This adaptation of the character is kind, gentle, and very intelligent. She has a great emotional range and is a character I find myself rooting for as she finds less and less of her identity in love and more in herself. She cares for the world around her, and is a empathetic character who you will want to see succeed. She has a solo song or two, and they are delightful. "A Very Nice Prince" adds a very nice emotional layer as from the beginning she questions if this is true love or just an emotion. All the songs in this show bring a great taste of relatability to the characters of this fairy tale world while still remaining whimsical. The emotions and conflicts relatable in many cases as the cast ventures into the woods with their dreams in tow. 

This is a great version for the amount of time she has, she stands out among all the other stories she has to share the stage with. She has moments to her own and to interact with the vast cast of this show and this character stands out amazingly. She begins as someone who wants to go to a festival that you meet to someone who just wants love without having to earn it. She helps the world around her because she truly cares and is looking for a place to belong. This version of the tale adds some much-welcomed twists and turns that make it stand out and breath air into the classic tale. Enough is similar but enough is different that makes this a great story that is already being told in the same narrative with more the one tale that intertwine. Enough time is spent with the story to keep you invested and is told fantastically with some pieces missing but not the major story beats and some incredibly well written themes, and well asked questioned. 

This version of the tale is a great FIT among the good Cinderella adaptations. But this is only the first glance, and there are many more coming, so stay tuned.

If The Glass Shoe Fits! A Deep Dive Into The World Of Cinderella (Introduction)

For as long as many of us can remember the story of a girl who longed to go to the ball, a fairy godmother, and a glass slipper all have echoed in our minds and hearts for years. Whether the classic Disney animated feature, the remake of said classic, one of many adaptations in a modern setting (and keep getting made), or musicals the story of Cinderella is told time after time, and in so many ways. I want to look into that, and so many versions, especially the musical albums and films, some more modern than one would expect. 

Why do so many people from modern films to the stage adapt this tale. A girl who dreams of a prince and a better life, who is miserable at home who gets a fairy godmother and meets the prince of her dreams. Yer the spell is wearing thin and only one clue is left behind, which leads to a PERFECT FIT and a happily ever after. A timeless story with a message of " do the right thing and someday you will hit your lucky break" written all over it, in the case of this story, true love.

This fairytale that all these adaptations draw from I would argue gets the most versions of this story, and I will say it has fewer sleeping protagonists as other tales, with the stakes of living in misery alone forever instead of an evil witch who may or may not turn into a dragon based on the version of the story you see. So a tale that is slightly more grounded by still has stakes, a likeable protagonist, and enough magic and whimsy to keep the audience engaged. 

With this narrative being in the public domain leads to many adaptations in film, television and even the stage. And that is where I come in, I will be looking at all of the musical adaptations of this character old and new, popular and obscure. But also taking a look at the films both musical and nonmusical alike. This is going to take some time and at least consume all of this month.

So, join me for this fun deep dive into this story we have seen that entails a glass slipper or in some cases a sneaker. You never know what is possible when looking at this classic tale, what we can learn from it, and how so many people have put their spins on this story. Consider this the introduction as we find out the old, the new, the best and the ones we hope turn into a pumpkin when the clock strikes twelve. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Songs To Start The New Year With

 It's a new year and with that comes new things, from resolutions to things to look forward too and new surprises, including musicals. I will be covering plenty of content old and new, whether stage, movie, album or other. While I work on those, I need some motivation, we all do sometimes, whether it's for a project or just to get going at the start of the day. And to motivate myself sometimes I like to listen to some very upbeat or inspiring songs from musicals. So, in no particular order here are some songs to help you with your next workout, project or as you begin your new year's resolutions, here are some great songs to start this new year.

Watch What Happens (Newsies)

We do not know what the future holds, but we do know how to do what we love, and what our dreams are, and this song embodies that. The melodies and lyrics build off of each other and prove to be a very motivational song. The score and performance work hand in hand to get anyone in the mood to get work in the best way possible.

I Don't Want To Be Here (Ordinary Days)

Going off of the last song, this song is also about pursuing your dreams, namely about finding about where you need to be, even if you have no idea where to go. Inspiring and comedic at the same time, this song is very real and relatable, conveying great jokes, memorable and funny lyrics, and ton of heart with a great use of piano. 

All Your Heart (Schmigadoon)

This one will put you in the mood to give your all while dancing along at the same time. A great message wrapped in a tune that will stay in your head longer that reminds the listener that staying with something is far more worth it. 

Chip On My Shoulder (Legally Blonde)

Sometimes you have to motivate yourself, starting a lower point and working hard to get to your dream. This song talks about motivation, finding your fire, and shows the turning point of the lead, all while being super inspiring. Sometimes to see your goal through you need some motivation or a chip on your shoulder with the chance you have been given.

Don't Rain On My Parade (Funny Girl)

You need to sometimes tell all naysayers to stand aside, succeed or fail you have to try. Not letting anyone stop you, whether you make it or not, holds true with this infectious masterpiece of a song. 

Opening Doors/Putting It Together

 (Merrily We Roll Along And Sunday In The Park With Geroge)

The inspiration for all the artists out there, two amazing pieces from the late, great, Stephen Sondheim. Each of these songs has a ton of the navigating the world of art while keeping an optimistic tone, showing the challenges artists face but inspiring the listen to keep going. Showing that art is not always easy but how perseverance can help you make it through. 

Paciencia y Fe (In The Heights)

Dreams are not an overnight thing, we work towards them, as Abuela Claudia recounts her life you feel inspired as she never wavered. Hearing how she did all she can all while holding on to who she was and not letting society wash over her, until she makes it to one life changing moment, pursuing goals is sometimes super hard, this song shows that is still worth it. 

My Shot (Hamilton)

This song inspires every time I listen to it, I have been listening to this song for years and it still fires me up. The call to action to seize the moment is powerful and the beat partnered with the lyrics leads to something that will inspire you like it does me. The song is unforgettable and super catchy while not just being a great song but also incredibly motivational to take control of your life and pursue your dream.

I hope these songs inspire you, and that you have a great 2022, I am so excited to share what I have planned and see what musicals we get this year. Thank you for reading and take care!