Wednesday, January 12, 2022

If The Glass Shoe Fits! A Deep Dive Into The World Of Cinderella (Introduction)

For as long as many of us can remember the story of a girl who longed to go to the ball, a fairy godmother, and a glass slipper all have echoed in our minds and hearts for years. Whether the classic Disney animated feature, the remake of said classic, one of many adaptations in a modern setting (and keep getting made), or musicals the story of Cinderella is told time after time, and in so many ways. I want to look into that, and so many versions, especially the musical albums and films, some more modern than one would expect. 

Why do so many people from modern films to the stage adapt this tale. A girl who dreams of a prince and a better life, who is miserable at home who gets a fairy godmother and meets the prince of her dreams. Yer the spell is wearing thin and only one clue is left behind, which leads to a PERFECT FIT and a happily ever after. A timeless story with a message of " do the right thing and someday you will hit your lucky break" written all over it, in the case of this story, true love.

This fairytale that all these adaptations draw from I would argue gets the most versions of this story, and I will say it has fewer sleeping protagonists as other tales, with the stakes of living in misery alone forever instead of an evil witch who may or may not turn into a dragon based on the version of the story you see. So a tale that is slightly more grounded by still has stakes, a likeable protagonist, and enough magic and whimsy to keep the audience engaged. 

With this narrative being in the public domain leads to many adaptations in film, television and even the stage. And that is where I come in, I will be looking at all of the musical adaptations of this character old and new, popular and obscure. But also taking a look at the films both musical and nonmusical alike. This is going to take some time and at least consume all of this month.

So, join me for this fun deep dive into this story we have seen that entails a glass slipper or in some cases a sneaker. You never know what is possible when looking at this classic tale, what we can learn from it, and how so many people have put their spins on this story. Consider this the introduction as we find out the old, the new, the best and the ones we hope turn into a pumpkin when the clock strikes twelve. 

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