Thursday, January 20, 2022

If The Glass Shoe Fits: Andrew Llyod Webber's Cinderella


Image Source: PR Newswire

Info Source: Wikipedia

There are a few newer takes on the tale that I plan on covering, among some of my favorites we got two new adaptations of the classic tale last year, one on Amazon Prime and a delayed American production, but a West End Production and Album for Andrew Llyod Webber's take on this story. Though it has yet to come stateside, the plot synopsis is on Wikipedia, and I will sum up part of it but let me just say you are going to want to know the plot or at least a general idea for this show. The album mentions parts in the songs that you need a knowledge to fully understand, so let's see where this show stands just based off of the songs when the clock strikes twelve. 

Without giving a full-on synopsis, the town and kingdom is perfect, there were two princes but now just one, Cinderella doesn't wear makeup and she always speaks her mind, everyone has to be perfect, the fairy godmother is a plastic surgeon, and everyone has to be perfect and is obsessed with their status and looks. The plot is wild and even after reading about the events and listening to songs multiple times, it is not the best take on the tale. It is super mean spirited, complicated in places where it didn't need to be, and that is with me leaving parts out. The show is super mean spirted and has a jaded cynical edge, for every single character. Even though the plot did not bode well with me. There are some twists that did not fit for me, such as crass jokes or ideas of the outfit from the godmother being too painful to wear that Cinderella would pass out by midnight. To a prince and Cinderella giving into what others say in very out of character moments. I can only hope the music don't by Andrew Llyod Webber fares better for me.

The music for this was a mixed bag, and actually reminded me of Webber's last work "School Of Rock The Musical" as in the genre and tone are all over the place. This show is a mixture of like three different genres of music, from traditional Broadway, to punk, to acoustic and more. And some of these songs are great. Albeit Cinderella has three ballads that all sound the same that are all about the same thing of being a loner and outcast. Some of these songs are stupid fun, like one with all the "Hunks" of town and how they feel about the prince. Some of the songs are fun, but even in the songs I like not all of the lyrics hit.

Some of the lyrics took me out of the experience or enjoyment of the song, on top of the songs even having a sad or cynical edge. This story is a Cinderella tale about marrying for love, not being ashamed of who you are and being yourself. But a ton of the songs are about giving in, being picked on, or how sad or unnoticed the character is that I feel like this loses the spirit of the classic tale. It is so negative, and the constant genre hopping had me confused, so much so I went back and listened to "School Of Rock" a show I covered on this blog a LONG time ago and they sounded super similar. Constant genre swapping, tons of cynicism, jumbled lyrics, unclear motivations, tons of characters and giving all of them a song. They felt like the same shows with only a different set piece.  The leads dejected outcasts, with love interests too scared to step out of the box (The prince even worse because he takes everything the wrong way), a huge ensemble with a ton of group numbers that start and stop the plot constantly. It was hard to tell the difference after a while.

That being said, some of these songs are beauitful, some of the ballads are great, some of the song's fun, and some are great listens. For me personally the jokes being included, and negative edge took me out of the experience as I found myself tired of the constant negativity and occasional crassness. The songs I did like were good, and if you want a bunch of genres mixed together give this show a listen. There is about two hours' worth of music, but you may find yourself moved or entertained, so give the album a listen, and if you enjoy the show and music that's great! 

For me this Cinderella was hard to root for, she was constantly negative, down, or giving up. She is always wanting to run away, give in, and giving into being like those around her when her and her prince have songs about how they love being different. This shows dour tone, uninteresting leads, and a soundtrack that is all over the place, matching the plot appropriately, all tied together with a weak and muddled message had me wanting more. There are good songs, good ideas, and a good show buried in here, but as is, I was okay skipping this ball and staying home. 

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