Tuesday, February 22, 2022

If The Glass Shoe Fits: Conclusion

 Thus ends the retrospective, this has been nothing short of fun... most of the time. Revisiting old favorites and discovering a new favorite or two. The clock approaches midnight and there are other topics to cover. Now I feel is a good time to end this one, but perhaps someday I will revisit this topic. For now, there are other shows to discuss, films to cover, live shows perhaps, and proshots, as well as albums and so much more. I have another retrospective planned for the near future. This has been super fun and thank you so much for joining me on this journey. I hope you found a new film, a new song, or something new to enjoy out of this. But it seems the clock has hit twelve on this, and time for a new morning, for new dreams and new ideas, I hope your day is a showstopper. 

If The Glass Shoe Fits: The 1997 Special

Here we are, this is my favorite adaptation of Cinderella, ever! This made for television special in 1997 starring Brandy, Whitney Houston, and so many more in an amazing star-studded cast is the version of Cinderella I go to when I want to show someone or watch this classic tale. Adapted from the version created by Rodgers and Hammerstein, adding new songs that have even carried over to the revival tour, and performed perfectly. This is the version that just fits perfectly for me.

This version has a Cinderella take the helm who is quiet and keeps to herself but is a big dreamer, and who is kindhearted. Every character is as if the story book came to life, and told the tale as you know it, but in such a great way that it is still groundbreaking. Though never given a theatrical release, this version has the scope, the songs, and choreography of a film that does. It is pure fun from start to finish, the songs are upbeat and grand, as well as sometimes quiet and somber, but the pacing is nothing short of fantastic. 

The message about dreaming, and how to not give up because someone will never know when the impossible will become possible is simple yet powerful. The songs turning this into a tale for all ages to enjoy. I have been through many versions, and it feels so refreshing to not see someone try to fix what doesn't need fixing by adding extra edge, or three storylines that end up going nowhere. This story has no twists, no surprises, but rather does what it sets out to do so well that it is one of the best. 

Each song not only fits into the narrative but is a delight and is so well performed. The costumes, the sets, everything invoking a warm, welcoming story that is worth hearing. This version is on Disney Plus and is an absolute must if you have not seen it, for the amazing music and fantastic performances. There may be many adaptations of this version that came before it, and some that came after, but this is my absolute favorite. Rewatching, it filled me with joy, from the songs not having one out of place or breaking to pace, to the amazing performances, the great sets, and simple yet powerful message. This is one of, if not the best version of this story in my opinion. It is on DVD, digital, and Disney plus and is one hundred percent worth your time. 

Every song, every performance, the writing, the jokes, they all land one after the other into a great telling, of one of the best Cinderella adaptations out there, adding new songs that have since been kept shows how amazing this version is.  This is one wish come true that is worth the watch again, and again. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

I Saw My First Musical Live In 2 Years..

 The last show I saw before the lights went out was Hamilton in February of 2020 on Super Bowl Sunday, I had an opportunity or two to see a show, but life got in the way, and I would not be able to make those local performances, outdoor theater and concerts, or even a tour of Hairspray. But now the wait is over, I have seen a show since the lights went dark and that in fact was Hamilton, on Super Bowl Sunday in 2022. This is the best case of de'ja' vu I have ever had. So, this week we are taking a short pause from our retrospective and having processed the unreal feeling of seeing a live show again. I decided to recount my experience. 

The venue I went to require every patron to be fully masked, and have either a negative covid test, and for the sake of the future of the arts, I say yes. There are many reasons to get vaccinated, from helping protect others and yourself, and one reason to add to all the others is help save the public arts. I will do what I must, and I gladly wore a mask the entire time, it did not stop my enjoyment. It did not hinder me from watching the show, from hearing the wonderful performances, or buying souvenirs. 

I saw the Phillip Tour, which was the touring cast I saw before the lights went dark on the stage for almost two years. Every performer did wonderful and, the choreography was nothing short of amazing, all of it was amazing. The show was amazing from beginning to end, I am glad that it is available to watch as many times as possible and whenever a viewer wants on Disney Plus, but even with that this show is fantastic live. And since I have seen this show multiple times live, it must be stated that it was as amazing as it was the first time, I saw it. If it is not coming to your area the Disney Plus version is fantastic and has the original cast, this show is nothing short of amazing. Hamilton is worth all the hype it gets, with unforgettable music, a gripping story, and fantastic characters. 

 I was filled with such joy and happiness to be back in the room where it happened. There is nothing quite like seeing live theater. It felt like seeing an old friend who had been gone too long. I cried, tears of joy traveled down my cheeks as the lights went dim, and the music began. I was at home and have felt so happy. This filled me with such joy that I am on cloud nine, seeing this had me looking into all the local theaters, both those who were local and those who host musical tours. 

Theater is back, and even with bumps in the road, I hope it stays. Seeing a show live again filled me with such joy that only live theater could give. Settling in, having the lights go down, the music come on, and the cast bring me into a world not my own. Seeing Hamilton as my first show back was extra special, worth the drive, and worth everything. Do what is necessary to see live theater and support it, and to keep it going. It has been gone but seeing it return is nothing short of breathtaking, and to finally be a part of it again, made me smile ear to ear even after the final bow. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

If The Glass Shoe Fits: Rodgers And Hammerstein

 Now we have arrived at a version of this narrative that is very much beloved. The classic from two giants of the golden age, the version that has been done time and time again. This one has many adaptations within this adaption, so let's not waste a moment more and dive right in. 

This telling of the tale is as classic as the Disney animated original, made in the 1950's and winning over audiences both on television and stage many times, this version stands the test of time. Older versions having less content than newer versions to expand into a longer yet still enjoyable experience, both versions are enjoyable. This version of the narrative is lifted straight from the pages of the story book, though with some violence toned down, this is a fun, inspiring, and enjoyable version. The story is as you know it, finally no twists, modern takes, or ideas that take away from this wonderful story.

A story of kindness, determination, and dreams. A message of the impossible becoming possible, and to never give up hope. This version has seen multiple television specials, and quite a few tours on stage. If you wish many of the television specials from the 50's, 60's, and 1997 can be found on DVD or online. The album of the 2015 revival of this show also is a great listen start to finish. I personally recommend the 1997 version and adaptations that follow after as there are more songs, that extend this fun and uplifting narrative in the best way possible without overstaying it's welcome, dance numbers, more songs, and just more fun in general. 

Why look into this? To put it simple, it is fun, inspirating and has an amazing score. No song falls flat, the tone is always just right, and each song fits the scene it is like a glass slipper. This version is a great way to tell the story, while adding a dynamic cast, great music, and unforgettable songs. This is as classic as it gets for me, so much so that I think I want to discuss my favorite one. The 2015 album is worth your time if you are curious, give it a listen and enjoy it perhaps. It is worth your time, but it is my second favorite version of this tale, my first being one that you can find not only on Disney Plus but in my next post. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

If The Glass Shoe Fits: The 2021 Amazon Prime Edition

 As we continue our journey through this retrospective our next stop, much like the version made by Andrew Llyod Webber thar I covered recently was released last year. This one as an Amazon Prime exclusive starring a myriad of talented people, and some Broadway alums as well. This version much like a work I have delayed covering "Diana The Musical" on Netflix has garnered much disapproval, criticism, and ranked as some of the worse musical media in recent years. But I have to cover and cannot put it off any longer! Is this truly as awful as people say? The only way to find out is to view it so let's go on this carriage ride we may or may not wish to forget.

This is so bad... that is worth a watch, it is so bad that it's good. I was laughing and in a confused state the entire time for all the wrong reasons, so let's cover the true positive aspects. Billie Porter is amazing as always and he steals every scene he is in. Every performer is a great singer, and the songs, though this is a jukebox musical are enjoyable they are fun. Unlike the album I covered a couple weeks back, I actually joined the musical, they were songs we all know like "Somebody To Love" and "Material Girl" but it is fun. 

The story adds a bunch of modern additions that do not work, including the music being a jukebox musical, it is well performed but it always breaks the pace of the show. The comedy falls flat, and they try to add new story lines like businesswoman Cinderella, arranged marriages, status, the prince being viewed as stupid and being with the bros all the time, a princess who is not allowed to govern and more.  All these storylines mean and lead to nothing as they just keep returning to the tale we all know, they are not additions because many of them never land, if you wish to be different then you must commit. But this version has so many different storylines all with a world that is ho hum that we have seen so many times before that they are just extending the length without investing the audience.

As for the dialogue, it is a mess, a mix of flourish and modern lingo that will make you laugh but not at the jokes. Every joke falls flat, and the characters are one dimensional as the pages of the story book they are adapted from. They try to make it modern and raise questions and make statements, but they never land.  The worst character being the king played by Pierce Bronson, he is so irredeemable that every scene he is in makes you hate the character. The only ones that could give him a run for his royal money are the mice who not only add nothing, are not funny, and add annoying screeches to songs, but are also made with terrible CGI. The film is shot well enough, but the effects are laughable. The songs all being recognizable making this a jukebox musical is super distracting, but the music is fun. The choreography is great, and this is well performed, but the music doesn't fit, and the writing is terrible.

The jokes, modern story lines akin to a workplace comedy or drama and modern lingo never fit and make for a ton of laughs. This film is so bad that it makes for a great watch with friends to enjoy. Nothing in this film works aside from the performances and singing and even those don't fit. This has to be seen at least once just to see how poorly made an adaptation can get. Adding modern elements and current songs to date a timeless tale. So even though it doesn't work there is entertainment to be had here and tons of fun, with some great covers of songs we all know, I can say I enjoyed this much more and laughed much more than I did with the Andrew Llyod Webber version, even if for the wrong reasons. This may not be good but is worth an enjoyable watch with friends and talking about way past midnight.