Monday, April 24, 2023

We Need To Talk Pro Shots

 Pro shots are a gift, we need more of them, but we also need to preserve the ones we do have. One pro shot that is not on any DVD form or streaming service is "Legally Blonde The Musical" and I am here to tell you today why it belongs there. This is not my first time singing this shows praises, nor will it be the last as it is my favorite musical of all time. I have watched this countless times, listened the album just as much, and have seen this show live. This show means the world to me, the characters, music, and messages in this show stand head and shoulders above many, and this is proof that you can make a musical based of a non musical propriety and make something truly great. 

This show has been no stranger to it's blogs, its character and plot relatable, the music amazing, and full of heart and laughs. The musical does has some moments that does not age well, and can be acknowledged, but there is so much in this musical that does and need to be seen. The show has strong messages on finding your way, dreaming and not giving up, finding love, dealing with roles the world gives you and breaking the mold, and so much more. The show stays funny and light, while having a couple powerful moments and inspiring moments to hold this all together.

I have talked about preserving other pieces of media before, such as video games but I have never thought of preserving musicals before, but now I do. Shows are an important piece of media and need to be kept around. Pro shots are more important then ever, they are a way to keep shows, and allow people to watch them as many times as they want, whenever. This is a great way to introduce friends to shows without waiting for a show to come around on tour and is on the same level as seeing shows live. I have always appreciated them, but now when I stopped and spent some time thinking about it, I realized how important they are. 

This is way for people to see shows who may not have the money at the moment a live tour comes to their city. Or someone who discovered a show via the cast album long after the show has run and toured and want to see how the story plays out. I know there are times that after seeing a pro shot such as the one mentioned today, I wanted to see a show live and see it in person. Much like the philosophy behind listening to albums and then seeing concerts live.

So why are pro shots so rare and why do movie adaptations happen more often? Why instead of showing the Broadway cast who worked so hard on the show, performing something well, use celebrities who are some times just there to get paid?

I plan to look into this, and want to know why. Shows like "SpongeBob SquarePants The Musical", "Newsies", "Legally Blonde" and of course "Hamilton" are celebrated for having a way for fans old and new to watch the show whenever.  Sometimes a filmed version, are announced and then never released. Pro shots are a great way to preserve theater, and need to be made normal, some are on streaming services but movie adaptations are more abundant, and there are not many offerings even if you had every streaming service. There is one service that has them the most, and trust me, I will get to that soon enough. 

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