Monday, May 1, 2023

Top Ten Steven Universe Songs

Sometimes a show just speaks to you, whether it is through the characters, the story, or perhaps even the music. And one show that has always spoken to me, is Steven Universe. The messages, morals, storylines, characters, and especially the music from this series resonate with me and have through many stages of my life. The music of this show and the songs stand out and relay the emotion needed in a way that only music can. So today I am going to rank, and give some thoughts on my top ten songs from the base Steven Universe series. I am excluding the movie due to the fact that almost every song from that would take a spot here and dominate the list, as well as future. Those two deserve their own time to shine on different occasions. I tried my best to cover as many angles from across the shows five seasons as well as different characters as well, finding my favorites moments and appreciating some of those moments even more now. This list is also personal favorites, so if yours would differ, that is amazing, and definitely feel free to share and why. Without further ado, lets grab our headphones, do a fusion dance, and dive into my personal top ten Steven Universe songs.

10. Don't Cost Nothin/Don't Cost Nothin Reprise

This song is really sweet, it's really short, so I added both of them but they are really wonderful little pieces.  The instrumentals to this are fun and sweet, matching the song perfectly. The opening to a fantastic episode full of amazing songs and one of my favorite episodes in the entire series.

9.That Distant Shore

Lapis is one of my favorite characters, and her story line is powerful, real and deep, much like the ocean that she can control with her powers. This song instead of being cheery and upbeat like the norm for many songs in this show, has a more somber tone. The view of an outsider who wants to be a part of something but grapples with anxiety, makes this song hit close to home. It is another short song but the impact it leaves, the instrumentation and the lyrics are all amazing.

8. Something Entirely New

This song is another one that is more on the short side, but this song is beautiful. The story of two opposite worlds colliding in love and discovering something entirely new is wonderful. The humming and singing that is pieces of stronger than you is an amazing motif that shows what Garnet is really made of, love. And this song shows where that love got its start. I also love this song because it reminds me of my best friend and his wife, they are a real ruby and sapphire relationship in the best way possible.

7. Comet

(Insert Air Guitar, And 80's Rock Style Dancing) This song just rocks.

6. For Just One Day Let's Only Think About Love

One of the most Broadway musical sounding songs, aside from one later in the list, and before the movie came along and said "hold my space soda". This song is big, it's grand, and it is so good! The instrumentals are wonderful, seeing how everyone feels and how it all ties together to the message which is enjoying the moment and focusing on the positive, this wedding song is unforgettable.

5. Strong In The Real Way

This song was the first real one that gripped me into the show and made me believe that this show could deliver powerful songs. The instrumentation, lyrics and just the idea as a whole, all ties together perfectly. Showing Dee Dee Mango Hall's absolutely amazing vocal range for the first time as Pearl gets to take the stage. The message of being emotionally strong and wanting to be that for someone you love is simple yet effective, as the show was very early on and was still building up the major story beats, as well as the songs to go with them. This was proof that this show was more then we thought it was, and what it became, is still a animated, and musical gem in my eyes.

4. We Are The Crystal Gems

When I first heard this opening I thought "That was nice", and then moved on. Then when season one ended, that year at Comicon we were given the full version of this song, and it became one of my favorite. The music, the lyrics, the visuals, the instrumentation, all pulling together to make an unforgettable song and one of my favorite cartoon openings in recent memory. The character motivations leading to one of my favorite lyrics in the entire series, after everyone says what they are fighting for, accompanied by stellar visuals we all hear "The odds are against us, this won't be easy but were not gonna do it alone", completed with an amazing visual of what our heroes are facing. That moment alone combines with the rest of the song all make an inspiring, memorable song full of different style changes, which all wraps up with the opening we all know and love. 

3. Here Comes A Thought

This song has helped me on many occasions. One of the rare Garnett songs but when the show gives her a song, they always stand out. This one is calm, yet powerful. A real take on anxiety, panic attacks, and how to deal with them. The calming music and relatable lyrics are incredibly moving, tied together in the show with the simple yet powerful visuals. The song shows about the dangers of letting your emotions run wild, but how to bring yourself back down, without talking down to the audience. Showing the characters struggle with anxiety shows the message in a place of relatability over trying to seem better then the viewer, thus delivering the message in a wonderful and powerful fashion. A song I can listen to over and over, to show that I and whoever listens is not going to fall apart. 

2. It's Over Isn't It

This song is simply powerful. Heartbreak, all tied together with the question "Why can't I move on?".  This song is beautiful, the instrumentation and lyrics forming into an incredible, yet relatable song. The lyrics are deeply powerful, and the scope of this song is grand and big, forming into a powerful like ballad akin to a Broadway musical. The visuals are simply stunning with the beautiful city lights, the night sky, and the camera scope, as well as the clouds forming around the song for a simple but powerful image. This song packs an emotional punch, tear jerking and all of the elements wrap together to make this one of the shows best. I have watched and will watch this episode countless times, considering it one of the best for how amazing the story is and how incredible the pacing is. This song is a testament to how great this episode and the show is. 

1. Stronger Than You

This song, much like this entire list is incredible, but I picked this one, due to how real the lyrics are. Being made of love, and no matter who or what pushes you down, you can get up and fight it,  and be stronger. This song is one of if not the most popular and it is for a reason, Garnet does not get songs often but when she does, boy does the show make it count. This song is not only powerful in terms of lyrics, syncing with the visuals, and all wrapping up with a powerful message. Garnett in terms of the show was just handed a major defeat, but now she is getting back up, and because she is made of love, she is not letting that stop her. This song has inspired me on many occasions, it is fun to listen to or hype yourself up with, it is just that good.

That was my top ten Steven Universe songs, what are yours? Thank you so much for reading and until ten, keep your favorite songs, on repeat!

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