Tuesday, March 8, 2022

SIX: Giving History A Royal Glow Up

 Today is International Women's Day, and even though I have some future content involving some of my favorite female led musicals such as Waitress, Legally Blonde, and a few more, I decided to talk about one that I have not yet covered yet. Why talk about one female lead, when I can cover six of them! I have been listening to the album of this show since 2020 and I hope to see it performed someday. This show follows the tales of the lives of the wives of Henry The 8th, some divorced, one survived, and a few who met a tragic end. But this is not your typical narrative structure, each wife has their own song and covers a different style of pop. On top of that are some fantastic group numbers, and as each of the women takes over for a solo, the others provide great back up vocals. 

The cast album is a must, it is the closet thing for people who can not see the whole show, and get the whole story. I love almost every song in this show, and even the ones that I do not listen to on repeat that often is still really well made. Each of our queens brings a different type of pop music in the mix that will stay in your head over and over. Each one of these songs is worth at least one listen, but trust me these are worth way more and are very easy to keep on repeat.

Each character in this cast of six stands out, their songs defining so much of their personalities and lives over the course of these songs. Staged as an informative concert that teaches, entertains, and inspires the audience. From break up songs, to life stories, each one real and full of heart as well as being incredibly catchy and at times moving. The story line follows the wives the history shows but gives us their stories and shows how they were so much more and who they were and shows us what could have been if the self centered monarch they were wed too wasn't in the picture. Dropping facts and dropping beats, the lyrics are deep and these songs are absolute jams. There are a few slower songs that definitely change the pace up and bit but most of this soundtrack is high energy and I find myself dancing to these songs often. 

Each one done in a style that stands out, my favorite being the very self-love filled song "Get Down" done by Anne of Cleaves in the second half of the show. The show is filled with great music and tons of heart as well as some group numbers that wrap things up in a nice bow. Every singer may help each other with their solo pieces, but when their voices unite for the opening number and finale it is nothing short of amazing. The music of this show is incredible and I hope to see it live someday whether it be in a proshot or on tour, after listening to the album many times over, this show is a must. It has good history, great writing, great music, empowering songs, and a fantastic use of a small group to make an experience I will not soon forget. 

Give the album a try or go and see it if you can, and you may find yourself listening to songs on loop and seeing why this show is worth all the hype it gets. SIX is full of stories worth telling infused with relatable feelings and lyrics that apply to today. 

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