Monday, March 21, 2022

The SpongeBob Musical Is Awesome

 A long time ago, I reviewed "Spongebob Squarepants The Musical" on this blog. I enjoyed some of the music, but I went back and thought on it, and it is much better then I initially gave it credit for. Is every song my appreciate? No, some things still hold up, but I have come to appreciate it a lot more, listening to the album over the course of my hiatus from blogging. For the longest time I let people in the theater community influence my opinion and think that just because this show is goofy and based on a television show, that it can not be good. My tastes have changed, where a super serious musical is not the only art form I want to take in, and I want to discover as many shows as I can, whether they are based on a film, show, whether they have all the awards or none. With that new point of view I went back to this show, for this post I am still going off of the album, but I know there is a proshot available on a streaming service or two, for purchase, and on DVD. I even own the DVD so I will have to cover it, perhaps sooner then later.

One look at this show and you will see all the talented people who had a hand in bringing the music of this show to life, including David Bowie, Sara Bareilles, Steven Tyler, and more. The plot akin to a really long episode of the show with many plotlines, and time to shine for many fan favorite characters. Even from just listening to the cast album, the songs have a good amount of heart, relatable emotions, as well as a good amount of jokes. Like before not every song made it to my on repeat playlist, but the a good amount did. Also music is subjective so a song that didn't land with me may land with you. Even the songs I did not feel like revisiting are still super fun and great.

This show is fun and has a ton of heart, and that is what theater as well as the world needs right now, in my opinion. Drama that makes us think is also important but now more then ever light stories, with comedy and heart. The real world is full of uncertainty and sometimes current events can weigh us down and even scare us, much like some of the characters in this show. The messages of facing your fears, finding your gifts, and friendship are not new, but well done. This show is good clean fun, and theater is so amazing that there is room for all types of shows, and this show much like the Disney Broadway adaptations would be a good first musical to introduce family members to musicals. 

The show embodies themes of finding your own voice in times of crisis, and that rings true. Not knowing your gifts but wanting to help is also very real and rings true to many in these times. The show at face value looks like a cash in based on a television show so many of us know, but when you listen to it there was so much effort put into it. After looking at some screen shots and watching trailers for the production video, the show fits the look of the show it is based off. The songs are full of lighthearted fun, while still being catchy and having a good amount of heart. 

The world needs lighthearted shows now more then ever, though there will always be a place for heavy pieces that explore humanity, we need shows like SpongeBob. Fun escapes, fun music, and just to sit back, laugh, and smile. Real life can be stressful and when it got stressful I realized how important shows like this are. This show, "Legally Blonde", "Something Rotten". "Aladdin", some are more family friendly then others but these shows are escapes. They make you laugh while still being relatable, having compelling characters, real situations in different environments, and amazing music. 

Never let someone tell you theater should be one way, because if you think that way you will end up missing something that might end up becoming a new favorite. I recommend this show if you want something that is pure fun, there are so many fun moments even just within the songs.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have an amazing day, soon enough I am going to have to look at the taped production of this show to see how the music fits into the story. But until then, I hope your day is a showstopper. 

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