Saturday, April 3, 2021

Update: What Content Is Coming!

 So what can someone expect from this blog if all the theaters are still closed? All the best theater you can get from home! As well as different forms of theater such as concerts, ballet, music, plays and more. So here is what to expect.

Cast Album and Live Show Reviews 

Lists And Discussions About All Sorts Of Broadway Shows, Songs, Topics, Etc Etc. 

Taped Show Reviews

Musical Movie Adaptions

Movie Musicals 

Movies That Are Musicals Like Disney

Music That Is Not In a Musical That I Like

Albums And Non Broadway Music and Songs I Like 

Theater At Home

Broadway Books



Shows Online or On Streaming Services

Theater Memories

Revisiting Old Posts

And More!

Get excited this blog is back, and find all sorts of way to keep talking about theater, and accessible theater as we wait for the day to return to the stage! 

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