Monday, May 1, 2023

Top Ten Steven Universe Songs

Sometimes a show just speaks to you, whether it is through the characters, the story, or perhaps even the music. And one show that has always spoken to me, is Steven Universe. The messages, morals, storylines, characters, and especially the music from this series resonate with me and have through many stages of my life. The music of this show and the songs stand out and relay the emotion needed in a way that only music can. So today I am going to rank, and give some thoughts on my top ten songs from the base Steven Universe series. I am excluding the movie due to the fact that almost every song from that would take a spot here and dominate the list, as well as future. Those two deserve their own time to shine on different occasions. I tried my best to cover as many angles from across the shows five seasons as well as different characters as well, finding my favorites moments and appreciating some of those moments even more now. This list is also personal favorites, so if yours would differ, that is amazing, and definitely feel free to share and why. Without further ado, lets grab our headphones, do a fusion dance, and dive into my personal top ten Steven Universe songs.

10. Don't Cost Nothin/Don't Cost Nothin Reprise

This song is really sweet, it's really short, so I added both of them but they are really wonderful little pieces.  The instrumentals to this are fun and sweet, matching the song perfectly. The opening to a fantastic episode full of amazing songs and one of my favorite episodes in the entire series.

9.That Distant Shore

Lapis is one of my favorite characters, and her story line is powerful, real and deep, much like the ocean that she can control with her powers. This song instead of being cheery and upbeat like the norm for many songs in this show, has a more somber tone. The view of an outsider who wants to be a part of something but grapples with anxiety, makes this song hit close to home. It is another short song but the impact it leaves, the instrumentation and the lyrics are all amazing.

8. Something Entirely New

This song is another one that is more on the short side, but this song is beautiful. The story of two opposite worlds colliding in love and discovering something entirely new is wonderful. The humming and singing that is pieces of stronger than you is an amazing motif that shows what Garnet is really made of, love. And this song shows where that love got its start. I also love this song because it reminds me of my best friend and his wife, they are a real ruby and sapphire relationship in the best way possible.

7. Comet

(Insert Air Guitar, And 80's Rock Style Dancing) This song just rocks.

6. For Just One Day Let's Only Think About Love

One of the most Broadway musical sounding songs, aside from one later in the list, and before the movie came along and said "hold my space soda". This song is big, it's grand, and it is so good! The instrumentals are wonderful, seeing how everyone feels and how it all ties together to the message which is enjoying the moment and focusing on the positive, this wedding song is unforgettable.

5. Strong In The Real Way

This song was the first real one that gripped me into the show and made me believe that this show could deliver powerful songs. The instrumentation, lyrics and just the idea as a whole, all ties together perfectly. Showing Dee Dee Mango Hall's absolutely amazing vocal range for the first time as Pearl gets to take the stage. The message of being emotionally strong and wanting to be that for someone you love is simple yet effective, as the show was very early on and was still building up the major story beats, as well as the songs to go with them. This was proof that this show was more then we thought it was, and what it became, is still a animated, and musical gem in my eyes.

4. We Are The Crystal Gems

When I first heard this opening I thought "That was nice", and then moved on. Then when season one ended, that year at Comicon we were given the full version of this song, and it became one of my favorite. The music, the lyrics, the visuals, the instrumentation, all pulling together to make an unforgettable song and one of my favorite cartoon openings in recent memory. The character motivations leading to one of my favorite lyrics in the entire series, after everyone says what they are fighting for, accompanied by stellar visuals we all hear "The odds are against us, this won't be easy but were not gonna do it alone", completed with an amazing visual of what our heroes are facing. That moment alone combines with the rest of the song all make an inspiring, memorable song full of different style changes, which all wraps up with the opening we all know and love. 

3. Here Comes A Thought

This song has helped me on many occasions. One of the rare Garnett songs but when the show gives her a song, they always stand out. This one is calm, yet powerful. A real take on anxiety, panic attacks, and how to deal with them. The calming music and relatable lyrics are incredibly moving, tied together in the show with the simple yet powerful visuals. The song shows about the dangers of letting your emotions run wild, but how to bring yourself back down, without talking down to the audience. Showing the characters struggle with anxiety shows the message in a place of relatability over trying to seem better then the viewer, thus delivering the message in a wonderful and powerful fashion. A song I can listen to over and over, to show that I and whoever listens is not going to fall apart. 

2. It's Over Isn't It

This song is simply powerful. Heartbreak, all tied together with the question "Why can't I move on?".  This song is beautiful, the instrumentation and lyrics forming into an incredible, yet relatable song. The lyrics are deeply powerful, and the scope of this song is grand and big, forming into a powerful like ballad akin to a Broadway musical. The visuals are simply stunning with the beautiful city lights, the night sky, and the camera scope, as well as the clouds forming around the song for a simple but powerful image. This song packs an emotional punch, tear jerking and all of the elements wrap together to make this one of the shows best. I have watched and will watch this episode countless times, considering it one of the best for how amazing the story is and how incredible the pacing is. This song is a testament to how great this episode and the show is. 

1. Stronger Than You

This song, much like this entire list is incredible, but I picked this one, due to how real the lyrics are. Being made of love, and no matter who or what pushes you down, you can get up and fight it,  and be stronger. This song is one of if not the most popular and it is for a reason, Garnet does not get songs often but when she does, boy does the show make it count. This song is not only powerful in terms of lyrics, syncing with the visuals, and all wrapping up with a powerful message. Garnett in terms of the show was just handed a major defeat, but now she is getting back up, and because she is made of love, she is not letting that stop her. This song has inspired me on many occasions, it is fun to listen to or hype yourself up with, it is just that good.

That was my top ten Steven Universe songs, what are yours? Thank you so much for reading and until ten, keep your favorite songs, on repeat!

Monday, April 24, 2023

We Need To Talk Pro Shots

 Pro shots are a gift, we need more of them, but we also need to preserve the ones we do have. One pro shot that is not on any DVD form or streaming service is "Legally Blonde The Musical" and I am here to tell you today why it belongs there. This is not my first time singing this shows praises, nor will it be the last as it is my favorite musical of all time. I have watched this countless times, listened the album just as much, and have seen this show live. This show means the world to me, the characters, music, and messages in this show stand head and shoulders above many, and this is proof that you can make a musical based of a non musical propriety and make something truly great. 

This show has been no stranger to it's blogs, its character and plot relatable, the music amazing, and full of heart and laughs. The musical does has some moments that does not age well, and can be acknowledged, but there is so much in this musical that does and need to be seen. The show has strong messages on finding your way, dreaming and not giving up, finding love, dealing with roles the world gives you and breaking the mold, and so much more. The show stays funny and light, while having a couple powerful moments and inspiring moments to hold this all together.

I have talked about preserving other pieces of media before, such as video games but I have never thought of preserving musicals before, but now I do. Shows are an important piece of media and need to be kept around. Pro shots are more important then ever, they are a way to keep shows, and allow people to watch them as many times as they want, whenever. This is a great way to introduce friends to shows without waiting for a show to come around on tour and is on the same level as seeing shows live. I have always appreciated them, but now when I stopped and spent some time thinking about it, I realized how important they are. 

This is way for people to see shows who may not have the money at the moment a live tour comes to their city. Or someone who discovered a show via the cast album long after the show has run and toured and want to see how the story plays out. I know there are times that after seeing a pro shot such as the one mentioned today, I wanted to see a show live and see it in person. Much like the philosophy behind listening to albums and then seeing concerts live.

So why are pro shots so rare and why do movie adaptations happen more often? Why instead of showing the Broadway cast who worked so hard on the show, performing something well, use celebrities who are some times just there to get paid?

I plan to look into this, and want to know why. Shows like "SpongeBob SquarePants The Musical", "Newsies", "Legally Blonde" and of course "Hamilton" are celebrated for having a way for fans old and new to watch the show whenever.  Sometimes a filmed version, are announced and then never released. Pro shots are a great way to preserve theater, and need to be made normal, some are on streaming services but movie adaptations are more abundant, and there are not many offerings even if you had every streaming service. There is one service that has them the most, and trust me, I will get to that soon enough. 

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Newsies The Broadway Experience (Disney Plus)

 Have you ever had a musical that you have wanted other people to see that it feels like only you have. For me it is Newsies. Many people know of the movie, which is unfortunate as this is a superior version in every single way. But I have spoken to many people and only a few have seen this version, more have seen the movie, and more have seen nor heard none of this at all.  Today I am going to talk about one of my favorite Disney musicals that is on the same level as some of their best.

One of my favorite pro shots, it is expertly filmed. this is so well shot that it has been shown in movie theaters, multiple times, which I have seen once. The music is done by Alan Menkin, who has done Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, and many more, including many of Disney's stage adaptations. The story of this is loosely based on real events and has all of the makings of a Disney movie. Dreamer who faces the odds, falls in love, and saves the day with help from his friends. The stage is New York in the early 1900's following a group of newsboys or newsies as they are called, a journalist, and the challenges they face. Young heroes taking on people who discredit them for their age and status. The story unfolds well and even though some elements are not well paced, namely the romance, the rest of the story is, it has comedy, heart, and some drama all mixed well together. 

The music of this show is amazing, some of the numbers are weaker then others but many are stand out wonderful pieces. The group numbers all stand head and shoulders above some group numbers from other shows, they have amazing choreography and music. "Seize The Day" and "Once And For All" are outstanding showstopping numbers that bring the whole cast together in a phenomenal way. The show begins and ends strong, the songs that hit hard, hit incredibly well. The lyrics are memorable and the fantastic and many of the solo songs are power ballads. The song taking place right before intermission, "Santa Fe" ,is powerful, full of emotion, and one of my favorite musical songs ever. "Watch What Happens" is a fun upbeat song which leads to an amazing reprise that is just as great. 

The music works well with the story, with a great amount of songs that have room to breath so they can stay with the audience. The songs are a great reflection of the characters, many which are likeable in the best way. Though some of the writing falls short, the show has way more positives then negatives. This show I have seen live, seen in movie theaters, watched back when it was on Netflix and now on Disney Plus. I have watched it countless times over the years and will again, I watch it multiple times a year. The pro shot has the original Broadway cast and each performance is spot on. This is not something worth skipping and one of, if not the most recommended pro shot I have ever given to those who can see it, after Legally Blonde. 

If you love the feel of classic Disney movies, and love a great musical, and have Disney Plus, this is a must watch. The movie is not worth your time, but this version is. There are two Newsies options on the service, but this is the one to pick. The soaring music, fun story, and fantastic group numbers are not to be missed.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Come From Away (Apple T,V)

 Pro shots are a gift. Even though I wish we would see them more, we more often then not see movie adaptations, never the less it is a special occasion when we do. One instance that really shined through was in 2021 when theater was limited for some, and non-existent for many, but Apple T.V gave us a pro shot of "Come From Away" and I was excited. I even saw this show live in 2022 and will share on that story at some point, but for our streaming service musical journey, this is where I thought the next best stop could be.  This came out at a time where Encanto, Tick Tick Boom, In the Heights and a couple other musicals were keeping most of us happy with some new content on streaming services as most of the stages remained closed. Let's boot up the streaming service, get comfy and dive into the pro shot of Come From Away.

The special opens mentioning about how theaters have been closed, and the anniversary of the time period the show takes time during. This show follows how the events of September 11th and how the flights were diverted to many towns in Canada, and how the locals of many towns doubled in size. Those who welcomed in people who were scared and struggling and showing real hospitality. This show documents real stories and follows many people both from the planes and those who took them in. This show has many powerful and encouraging moments, with some light hearted comedic moments, mixed with serious dramatic moments. 

The story is well told even though the show has a run time of about an hour and half. The show is one act and has no intermission. But everything works and the moments and songs from one to another. The cast is small with all of them playing multiple characters and doing it so well, showing their range. And the range does not stop at the acting. The music and songs in this show are phenomenal and have a great range as well. There are big group numbers, sweeping ballads, fun numbers, and numbers with a lot of power and heart. There is not a weak song in this show, and if you happen to not like a song, some of them are very short. The songs are abundant but there is still plenty of room for well acted dialogue and sharing the stories with the audience. 

If you are interested but do not have the streaming service, the album is a great way to give the show a try, some of the dialogue made it into the album and it is a great display of what the show is. If you decide to see the show live or watch this pro shot, it adds more. This pro shot is well acted and well performed, there is some censorship but the show is presented as seeing it live. This show is fantastic, and this pro shot captures how amazing it is. This show deserves to be preserved, it shows a bright moment on a dark period of history, with a story worth telling. 

This pro shot is worth the watch and is well acted and performed, there were many moments that caused me to laugh, cheer, and tear up. The performances, excellent and seeing this show play out was great. This was able to show me a show I wanted to see before I had the opportunity to see it. And even though I have seen this show live now, this is still worth keeping. For those who can see the show it is a great way to relive it and see the wonderful story, for those who can not it is a great way to see it. 

This is a fantastic pro shot, and further proof that pro shots are a great form of theater and we need more of them. I tried to not go into too much detail because this is a great story with great music that should be witnessed. Seeing a show that I longed for in a time where I was not able to make it to the stage and now I can relive the amazing show. The only problem is that this is on Apple T.V and some amazing proshots like this are trapped on streaming services and not available for purchase, but this is still worth a watch.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

The Masterpiece Of All Star By Smash Mouth

 A song that transcends decades, a song that inspires many, while exploring deeper themes. One of those songs has to be the timeless hit by Smash Mouth, "All Star". This song gives us the embodiment of a dream we all share, which is to be a star. But what does it mean to be a star, let alone an All Star.

The song opens with our hero at an all time low, facing the harsh reality of the world around him. No more of a crushing defeat then a girl gesturing an L shape on her forehead towards oneself.  The song shows what it means to go from the bottom. To start at zero and then be a rockstar and maintain it. This lifestyle means saving money and not giving it to strangers for gas money, rocking out no matter your social status, and teaming up Ben Stiller and some other misfit heroes to save that day. 

This song shows the dreams we all have, wanting to be something more. Sometimes we have to seize the day, kick out the door of the outhouse and live the best life we can with this song playing. This song shows that anyone can be an all star if they live like one. Rocking out shows and just keep coming and don't stop coming when it comes to the hits.

Hit the ground running and never stop going. One may think of the tale of Icarus when hearing a ballad as passionate as this, but I feel as this will be held in the same echelon as the greatest works. We will compare that of the golden age of music, the all time greats, to this. This song resonates in the hearts of all living beings and will be immortalized as something that should never be forgotten. Words to live by and strive for as one wants to become more then just a star, but rather ascend to that of an all star. Being able to say no to strangers asking for spare change, and overcome crushing defeats of having an L shape on the forehead directed at you.

The song will never cease in its ever growing relevance. and I hope you can see it too.


Friday, March 24, 2023

(Netflix) Matilda The Musical: The Movie Based On The Musical Based On The Movie Based On The Book

 My first stop on this wonderful trip from the comfort of my bed and the streaming apps was a musical movie that premiered on Netflix. An adaptation of the stage show Matilda based on the film and classic children's book. I saw the movie when I was young but barely remember it, and I have never listened to any songs from the show unless in passing but never stopped to listen to it. I have heard good things from those who have seen it, but never seen it myself. I went into this musical movie optimistic, and knowing nothing. So what did I think.

This story of a young girl who is a genius, the world against her in many ways until she learns a new magical power. Her school, parents, and the odds ever against her and those like her, and some she would not expect. The story is simple yet engaging, like a fairy tale, of right and wrong in the world, bullies and those who do what is good. Every plot point fits and many moments are predictable but this is fun romp for families and there are many factors that make this romp work. There are moments of drama, comedy, and encouragement all wrapped with morals in a nice little bow but the time the credits roll. I do not know the differences between the original movie, the book, cast album, or even the stage version. Perhaps I will find out some day but I will judge this purely on its own. The morals are simple yet fun of standing up to bullies, to found family that can at times be very touching, a fun family story.

The story leads to fun music, and great character moments. The tale is so nice, it is a very good first musical for those with young ones who are interested. The songs are fun group numbers, or sometimes big sweeping ballads, there are no style changes, so the music is all the same genre. The songs are pretty good, there are some I will definitely listen to again after watching, there are some fun villain songs, a big group numbers that are as well, and some surprisingly well made ballads. All of the actors in the film version are amazing, both in and and out of song. The show has some really stand out ballads that left me loving some of the songs. 

The acting in this in phenomenal, as well as the performances. But this movie is also shot incredibly well. There were some powerful well shot moments of this film, that were compliments with the music hand in hand. This movie has the scope of a stage musical and the presentation of a film in the best way possible. the cinematography has great big group moments that look like they can fit on stage but also in a movie, it was the perfect balance. The music, score and the way this movie was shot made the presentation stand out and I enjoyed watching this film. The movie had some powerful emotional moments as well, that packed an even bigger punch when complimented with the music and acting. The dancing is also well done. 

There are a couple of shortcomings that I wanted to mention. The ending of the movie felt a tad rushed as did a couple of other moments, I wish we had a little more time with this world and maybe even another song or two, there are a fair amount of reprises here. The CGI in the movie, thought not always present is not the biggest strong suit of the movie, unlike the costumes, set, dancing, performances and just about everything else. Aside from a couple of pacing problems where, like a fairy tale, I felt things zooming by, and this, the film is still pretty great. 

This is a well made musical movie, and I hope Netflix takes the good word of mouth and makes another, and adapts more. This and Tick Tick Boom which I plan on talking about later one are both super well made and has me hoping more will come. Though not perfect, this is still pretty good and worth a watch, with fun songs, a good splash of comedy, and beautifully shot moments, this movie musical has little moments, little stories, that many, myself included can enjoy.

Friday, March 17, 2023


 Now I have reviewed this amazing piece of stage work before, but only the cast album. I was fortunate enough to see this show live back in January so I wanted to give my thoughts on it. I was so happy to finally see this show because I love the album and have ever since I first listened to it. There is not a single song I would skip but I always wanted to see the visuals that accompanied this amazing music as is one of the joys that comes with as well as reasons on while I love seeing shows live. 

Seeing how the songs incorporated into the story ended up making me enjoy them even more. The story is told in one sitting with no intermission, similar to a show I loved that I saw last November which was Come From Away. The show only was an hour and twenty minutes about the length of a theatrical movie, and this show makes every minute count. The plot has the six wives of British monarch Henry The 8th, in a pop concert competition to see who had it the worst. From the ones who were heartbroken and lost their time and affection to those who lost a bit more. The show is infused with a great message, empowering music and some great writing. The show has a ton of history as well as humor infused into it's writing, not being afraid to get deeper at times either. This show is tightly written and executed to a tee that I am left wanting to see it again live as soon as I can. 

The music and choreography go hand in hand. This show is mostly high energy and the energy keeps going and going from the powerful opening to the final curtain. The show acknowledges history and the facts while showing it wasn't just HIS story. The songs are basically well done break up songs most of the time, but when someone goes deeper you see the powerful emotions woven in that make these songs amazing. Songs about being rejected, used, or being trapped in situations that are less to be desired, but still infused empowering, funny, and relatable lyrics into the songs. Bringing these queens to life in and out of song, making the audience laugh, think, and want to dance along. My favorite songs being "Get Down" and " I Don't Need Your Love" for how empowering they are and the messages about being fine whether in or out of love, or not letting the labels someone puts on you stop you from living. The music is in the same genre the whole time but is still ranged. Different styles and tempos help each song stand out in the best way possible, I can tell which song is which based on how they start, each one standing tall.

Though I may like some songs more then others that is more of a subjective opinion as when I saw this live each one of the performers knocked it out of the park. Watching the tour cast of this show perform with an all female band, making it an all female production helps make the themes of this show stand out so much more. I loved every second of this show from the high energy music to the jokes and writing in between that bring the characters to life, to the subject material. The music is empowering and keeps the tone strong and going from the lights going on till the curtains fall. The lyrics though about historical queens are packed with real and relatable emotions that the audience can see themselves in, and the setting is fantastic. The show stays consistent, in character and focused from beginning to end, taking off strong and nailing the landing.

This show is must see if you can, and a must listen if you can not. This is also another show in desperate need of pro shot, as do many shows need and deserve. The characters, music, story, and writing make this show a can not miss, especially for fans of pop music or can relate to having a terrible EX. The wives showed how much of queens they all truly were, in a truly unforgettable fashion. 

Divorced. Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived open this show, the old rhyme, but once the music begins, the audience learns so much more. Seeing this show come to life from the album I loved was a pure delight.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Let's Talk About Bad Cinderella

 Last year I did a retrospective on all things Cinderella, from Disney to Rodger's And Hammerstein to the only version I truly love starring Brandi and Whitney Houston. One I covered via cast album was Andrew Llyod Webber's take on the classic tale has now come stateside from its run on the West End. And this show is getting dragged through the mud. I often don't talk gossip, news, or current events because I do not want my content to date aside from the Tony Awards, but this can not be ignored. 

This show has been facing nothing short of criticism, whether it is due to the shows content, the music itself or the behind the scenes drama that could take multiple posts just to cover. This show is not getting the kindest of welcomes in a time where musical theater is more successful on tour and in the local scene. Oddly right now musicals are thriving more outside New York then in the very city many associate the genre with. Theater after theater has grown vacant and more theaters than ever have no shows to house, even with the large number of shows going on there are announcements of even more closings. With that we need a show that will help make the area boom again and draw people in. This is not that show.

I listened to the album last year when I  was doing the series on Cinderella and I have to say between that album and the Amazon Prime Cinderella I had my work cut out for me. Going to the Wikipedia page and reading through the plot made my head spin. It was hard to follow, had to many story lines and the songs looked like they were slapped in random places. The songs when I listened to them after trying to use the plot as a companion piece still did not land well with me. Some were okay but others felt out of place and the tone was constantly changing between songs. The music was hit and miss and I felt myself grasping to try and have an emotional connection with the score.

The drama circulating this show also brought me out of the experience. That is a topic best explored elsewhere or this blog post would be almost quadrupled in size with that included. But all the off stage drama brought me out of things as well, it felt difficult to escape the outside world and lose myself in the story. The story also was not captivating enough to do so, there are better adaptions of this story, making it hard to not just listen to those. 

This show, though discussed in the past, now that it is in previews still does not fair well. I have not even seen in live but with everything I have seen and heard. This is one clock that will go past the stroke of midnight and much after for me, I am staying far away from this Ball.