Monday, June 28, 2021

Pretty Woman The Musical

 (Image Source:

This is an album that I have not watched the film of, or never listened to before now. Based on a movie that I do not know but starring a couple actors and actress I recognize, will the album sell me on this show or is this cast album enough as it is? Let's find out.

I did not research the plot of this show, I decided to jump in head first and try to piece the plot together with the music. Some shows you can almost see the story painted out through the music, some using song to explain the plot or some conveying enough emotion to do so. This show seems to be about dreaming, finding love, deals, coming out of your shell and changing, finding what is important in life and living in Hollywood, some people have money, some don't. So a nice little romantic comedy show. Without seeing the film it was pretty fun trying to piece together an outline. A plot we have seen on stage time and time again, probably loyal to it's film, but will the music have the power to make it stand out when it's ideas are ones we have seen before.

The style of music has a little bit of  typical Broadway flare, but is mostly a rock musical, with slow rock ballads, and upbeat jams, basically all sorts of styles of rock and roll with a wide variety of instrumentation. Sometimes they swap up the instrumentation and deviate from the rock style and it can be quite grand. It feels like I have heard some of these songs done time and time again in other shows, from the " Am I in love?" songs, to the " I don't want to be here" songs. Some of them stood out and were great even if I have heard these ideas before in other shows. Some of them on the other hand, I was okay hearing just once, knowing other shows conveyed these ideas better. Some songs have excellent lyrics, and some of them sound like they may or may not have needed a rewrite (They did in my opinion). So the songs were a mixed bag, some of them had heart, and some of them were a ton of fun, but others left me wondering when they would end. I found myself pressing repeat on some, and tempted to press skip on others. A times the tone feels a little all over the place, some of the songs feel like they belong in other shows, as if this show had a set identity but not every song fits that.

Having a identity in a show is important the music will fit it like a glove, and when a musical picks on specific genre and sticks to it, it can help make that show stand out, but if it strays from that, you could leave audiences feeling mixed. When you rely heavily on genre and explore all areas of it, you could not only make a show that covers a great story but represents a genre of music well.

In terms of a ratio I found it being close to 50/50. Some of the rock songs had me banging my head, and some others left me indifferent. The songs about dreams were great, but I found myself straying from the love songs after they ended, I did not feel a ton of chemistry in them. In terms if I would see this romantic comedy play out on stage, I would potentially see it on tour depending on budget and what shows would be in the my local tour line up. But I could definitely see myself seeing this in a civic theater, this show has the feel that it would be really fun in a civic theater line up. The cast is decently sized like many shows based on movies, and it has great use of ensemble, so I would definitely see this on a smaller scale, and potentially see it on tour, maybe. 

Score: Finish The Hat (Not every song was a winner but would see this in a civic theater. There are some fun songs, great use of ensemble, some are really great jams, some skippable ones, generic plot points that have been played out in other shows, by the number musical number themes)

Before I close today's post, here are the songs I really enjoyed and would like to recommend, that I did enjoy.

Welcome To Hollywood

Anywhere But Here (And Reprise)

Rodeo Drive

Don't Forget To Dance

You're Beautiful

Welcome To Our World(More Champagne)

This Is My Life

Never Give Up On A Dream (My Favorite Song)

Together Forever 

Saturday, June 26, 2021

What Movies Will We Get A Musicals Next

 With Broadway returning I am certain that it will only be a matter of time before more films that were not musicals to begin with get a musical version to call their own. There are already talks of shows such as Thelma And Louise to get a musical, and Moulin Rouge is super popular at the music, musicals based on movies are going no where. So I decided to predict which ones I think are likely to make it from the screen to the stage.

. In The Heights Revival:

This was technically a musical first, but right now all the buzz is about the movie, I will not be surprised if the show returns to the stage, maybe even carrying over some of the writing changes from the film, to not only sell the film more but potentially change the stage version as well.

.Tangled Or Moana

Disney's last romp was Freaky Friday which did not catch on well, so with giant set pieces, the success of Frozen as well as their other shows, my guess is Tangled or Moana will be the next to take the stage. Big epic songs, maybe even new ones from the returning song writers Lin Manuel Miranda and Alan Menkin who did the music for the Tangled television show, and we could have so more epic Disney adventures on our hands.

. Ferris Buellers Day Off

Movies from the 1980's are really big on Broadway at the moment, and I think this one would fit as a down to earth, fun, comedic romp for audiences. 


With the Netflix show out, I feel that visiting the Biopic movie and putting her music into a show would not only be plausible but would be a hit with audiences

So these are a couple guesses that I feel would make a great Broadway musical, and are likely to happen in the future, these are my guesses and there are plenty of surprises when it comes to musicals. Some of these may happen, some may not, who knows what the future holds, but I thought it would be fun to take a guess.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Big Fish: A Story Of Fathers And Imgaination


This show deserves much more credit then it deserves. So to ring in Father's day this year, I decided to discuss a show that revolves around the bond of a father and son. Following the film, this show follows an adult son who is getting ready to become a father himself and trying to make peace with his father, who has a knack for telling elaborate stories to describe real life events. To his father doing work and business deals is fighting dragons, and when you fall in love time itself stops. His son does not see eye to eye, believing most of these stories to be not only exaggerations of normal life events but also some to be entirely false. With a few heavy subjects raising the stakes that I do not dare spoil, the two must learn to see where the other is coming from, not just for their sake but for those around them who insist they have more in common then they think. 

This show did not run for long, having few performances before closing, but this show lives in local theater productions to this day, but should it come back or stay gone? I for one love so many of the songs in this show, and I highly recommend you look into it. There are so many fun and upbeat songs as well as a few inspiring songs as well. This show has such a strong opening that sets the tone for the rest of the show, " Be The Hero Of Your Story" is such a great opening song. And as you continue to listen so many of the songs are full of charm and heart. I am not a fan of every song in this soundtrack but I do love enough to want to see it on stage.

As you listen to it, there is so much love in these songs. The storyline is paired with the music work hand and hand to make such a memorable experience. Whether the song has a ton of fun elements as the stories come to life, or a more quiet moment as the show tugs at your heart strings. This show has a great balance of instrumentation that a ton of tracks sound unique, I highly recommend giving this show a listen.

This show is not just perfect for fathers day but any day really if you want a show with a ton of heart, and a ton of fun as well. It grips you with it's first song and even though it falters here and there it stays true with its message throughout and has plenty of songs that are so great it is worth at least one listen. 

Monday, June 14, 2021

Legally Blonde The Musical: A Show That Always Makes Me Feel So Much Better

 (Image Source:

I LOVE this show, this is probably in my top three when it comes to my favorite musicals. No some may write it off as yet another adaptation of a film put on stage to cash in in a sea of them, and this show has not been on stage in a while, but it is covered by schools and civic theaters across the country, has had international runs, a very well made proshot, and an album. This show has lived on long since it has closed, running in the early 2000's, I also believe this show is due for a comeback, but why has this movie musical held up and is still being put on to this day? With the proshot, and the album I am able to cover this show even though I have not seen it live, I will hopefully find the answers.

This show follows Elle Woods, who upon being dumped follows her ex to Harvard Law school, meeting a wonderful most of the time, and sometimes dated cast of characters along the way as pursues her love but also just find find a whole new Elle along the way. Before I dive in, I will acknowledge there are some elements in this show that need to be updated that reflect the time it was written, some jokes, references but most importantly some jokes in poor taste and stereotypes that do not hold up. There are parts of the show that I believe would need to be fixed if it were to come back but besides that the morale, a ton of jokes, and the message still shine through.

'The music is fantastic, besides the dated content there is not a weak track in this album. The messages of finding yourself, being yourself, and pressing on are elaborated so well with the songs. Each character comes to life with each number, showing not only their personality, and dreams, but also character development. These songs have humor, charm, and heart in them all while being incredibly catchy. This is an amazing soundtrack.

The live version of this show that was aired on MTV is worth at least one watch, not only to see how the songs fit in but it is a great version, good camera work, amazing performances, and awesome choreography, this is a well made show. This show deserves a couple of changes and to come back because at it's core this show is amazing, it is mostly hilarious and it has so much heart in it. I am not one for romance in shows but this show has two romances both that keep me invested and that I am rooting for. Also no other show has a sexy UPS man and no I am not giving context for that. The show is perfectly paced, has amazing songs and is one of a kind. This one should not be looked over if you need something to inspire you, this show is very uplifting while making you laugh most of the time. I have listened to and watched the proshot for years, and will for years become, there is so much good that I can over the flaws, and want it to be brought back so the flaws can be addressed. This show has amazing leads, hear, humor, and charm, in its show and its music, this one should not be missed.

Rating: A Chip On My Shoulder/ Not Throwing Away Its Shot (Has a few very fixable flaws, if fixed this show is perfect, great humor, heart, catchy songs, great characters, an engaging story, some dated content and stereotypes hold it back from being perfect, the near prefect show)

Thursday, June 10, 2021

In The Heights Review ( Non Spoilers)

 (Image Source:

Welcome to the first post pertaining to the long awaited release of the film adaptation of In The Heights, after delays, releasing Hamilton on Disney Plus first which was not the original plan, many trailers, early song releases, and a ton of anticipation. The wait is finally over, on HBO MAX for thirty days, and in theaters the film is finally here. This has been my most anticipated movie of the year two years in a row, before and after the delay. I have waited so long for this movie, and it may just end up being my film of the year. I have seen it on stage, and listen to the soundtrack constantly, so I have been waiting for this. But movie adaptations have a bad reputation, either for making changes, cutting content, making new story lines, bad casting, the list goes on really. Is this one of them? Was my wait worth it? Let's jump in, turn the lights up on Washington Heights, and follow the characters I thought I knew from stage in this whole new adaptation.

This is a non spoiler review, I will post a spoiler review soon in the future. So all I will say right now is that this is a show that follows Usnavi, Benny, Nina, and more loveable characters in their day to day lives in Washington Heights, highlighting their lives, their work, and their struggles as times are changing in this neighborhood they have known all their lives.

So to dive in, what did I think? I LOVED this movie. The performances, the choreography, and the cinematography all blend together to make a one of a kind experience. This is one of the best musical movies I have ever seen. There were some changes from the stage version, thus making both important. Anyone who has seen the stage version should watch this, and vice versa. This has enough different that both are different narratives with some different songs, and of course the way they are presented. Some characters and songs are cut, but some new plotlines are added. Some plotlines from the show are changed, and some characters and their narratives are different too. Overall making this and the stage version, similar yet different. Distinct enough that both are worth a viewing, both are powerful in their own way, telling heartwarming stories. Each actor does amazing, and the movie is really well shot. Some of the ways certain shots are done are fantastic, this movie is beautiful both in sight and in sound. 

Now the run time for this film is pretty long, and some fans of the original may not like the changes, there were some that I disagreed with. Also the tone sometimes bounces around, while the original had a set tone from start to end. Both are super heartwarming but also have a ton of plot lines. Some plots from the original are altered, some are given more of a spotlight, some are given less. Both have balance issues with certain stories in their shows, even in this version there were balance issues in different ways. But the gripes are minimal this movie is just like the show, simply amazing, and they are both similar and different that the music, story, and presentation are top notch. So many songs from both will be on repeat and in my playlists, the songs even have different instrumentations for both making both soundtracks incredible. I hope this film leads to a revival of the stage show as I would love to see it again. In the end both versions are incredible, each with their own sets of strengths and weakness, some I will get into later. This movie fixed some faults with the stage version while making some new ones, but in the end, they were so small and this movie is amazing.

This film overall is amazing and worth at least once watch. This movie is fantastic, faults aside I love it, it is worth a watch and maybe a few more. The music, the chirography, the way it is shot is all simply fantastic. Well acted, well sung, well performed. This movie is the perfect way to welcome in the summer, it is fun, it has heart, and it is an incredible musical, this movie is great. I loved it and you just might as well, this is my movie of the year so far and I will be watching it again and again, the faults may be noticeable but they are outweighed by all the good in this beautiful, inspiring, movie with an amazing soundtrack. A musical well done, and i will say just might be one of the best. 

Score: Did Not Throw Away It's Shot (Some faults but overall, amazing movie, simply amazing, now there are two great versions of In The Heights)

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

In The Heights Is Here! Reviews and More Incoming

 The moment I have been waiting for, perhaps my movie of the year, now in theaters for some and on HBO MAX for thirty days, so let's dive in and see. There will be a ton of In The Heights content, at least four posts planned. So let's dive into this story that was Lin Manuel Miranda's first musical, now being reimagined for the big screen.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Disney Musicals Bringing Classics To The Stage

 In the sea of movies that get stage adaptations, one of the companies that has done this the most has to be Disney. From Lion Kong and Beauty and The Beast to Newsies and the recently announced Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Disney has many musicals on stage under their belts, many are beloved and have long stage lives as well. For a show like Newsies a movie that wasn't well received at first was edited and then put on stage and now is a favorite among many including myself, Aladdin has changes from the classic film, thus giving reasons to listen to and enjoy both. Mary Poppins adds storylines not in the movie, thus giving two versions to love and enjoy with some similarities and some differences, such as having the same song yet changing lyrics. 

In many cases they add songs and a ton of them are winners, my friends love the songs added to Beauty and The Beast and I love "Anything Can Happen" from Mary Poppins or " These Palace Walls" from Aladdin. In the case of Newsies a character was added with Kathrine and she is a stand out character who was not a character at all in the movie, her song " Watch What Happens" being one of my favorite songs in the whole show. The Disney stage shows reinvent classic shows, edit scripts that may have needed a touch up or two, or sometimes make a show out of something that was not a musical to begin with like Freaky Friday. Not all of them work but it is admirable that Disney keeps trying to bring shows to the stage, and the ones that work prove to be unforgettable experiences. I have seen Aladdin and Newsies live and both were fantastic times, fun, inspiring, uplifting, and unforgettable, just like their films.

Seeing both of those on stage, spotting the differences in Aladdin from the film I grew up on was a treat, it carried over some elements but the show was different enough to warrant seeing live. For example the stage version of Aladdin has multiple cut songs, and characters giving you almost a peek at what the original movie could have been, it's super fascinating and exciting.

The only question I have is when is Disney going to put more pro shots of these shows that they own on Disney Plus. We have Hamilton, and Newsies both which are excellent but seeing as Disney owns the originals and stage versions of these shows, I feel like this is a big missed opportunity if not capitalized on. For people who do not live near a theater based town and have to rely on tours, pro shots could be access to a show they have to wait years for. Or for people like me who has not seen every show and would like more pro shots to see them as well, also loves experiencing the memories again. Watching the Hamilton and Newsies pro shots reminds me of when I saw them live and helps me keep those memories alive until I can see them again, I love wearing my Newsies shirt and turning on the pro shot on Disney Plus and watching it. It would be great to have shows like Little Mermaid and Beauty and The Beast to get these as well, I would love a Mary Poppins pro shot. These do not erase the original but rather stand tall alongside them as alternate versions with some similarities, just like the live action remakes Disney loves making so much. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Wedding Singer The Musical

 (Image Source: Amazon Music.Com)

I have been waiting to cover this show, and the theme for this month fits perfectly, so I decided to give this cast album a listen and decide if I want to see it or not. So here are my thoughts. This is a comedy musical based on the Adam Sandler comedy film. Since I have not seen the movie besides a few clips, and not seen the show on stage yet. This album is my first experience with the full show.

Most of this album is upbeat songs with a couple slow ballads with jokes intertwined through the lyrics from time to time. I found myself enjoying most the of this show, my favorites being "It's Your Wedding Day" and " If I Told You". Two of the songs are lifted straight from the movie, and one is changed to being more original. The heartfelt songs don't slow this show down but rather add breathing room and a good amount of heart, some of them incorporate some of the songs from earlier in really sweet ways. The show has some really good reprises and great use of instrumentation. Some of the songs meant to give a song and jokes at the same time work, others not so much. There were a couple songs that I found myself hitting repeat on, and others I was fine just hearing once and will not go back to often if ever.

But I would say most of this album is good, there are a ton of great upbeat songs, and sometimes the jokes are well implemented. I found myself rocking out to most songs, laughing at some while rocking out, and enjoying some of the slower songs. The song " Get Out Of The Dumpster" is a treat both as a song and comedically. So many songs in this show are a ton of fun and when they return they are used in great ways, whether in reprise or as part of another song. This show does not use it's ensemble as much as some shows but when it does it really shines, there are also plenty of solo songs that work super well. The slower songs and upbeat are great with only a few tracks I found myself skipping. This show has a great comedic feel and also feels great for a summer line up at civic theater along shows like Mama Mia, just pure upbeat fun. This show was a ton of fun and I would definitely see it live, if you want a musical with some heart and good dose of comedy with mostly good tracks, I highly recommend this one, and who knows you may enjoy the songs I did not like. I hope your day is a showstopper 

Score: Left A Chip On My Shoulder (Mostly good with a few flaws here and there, Mostly fun songs, some great, a couple worth skipping, would see for the non musical scenes to see how they play out and to see some of these songs live, a fun time would see live even at a civic theater) 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Welcome To Movie Musical Month!

 It begins, a whole month of musicals made into movie adaptations, and movies brought to the stage. Posts will not just be on Monday any more but throughout the week, after this month it will revert back to Musical Monday, but we will cross that bridge later. So sit back and enjoy as we go from the stage, to the screen, in many ways. Lists, playlists, reviews, discussions, and more. Lot's of fun on way, so welcome to Movie Musical month! 

The Tony Opening Number

 Some say that first impressions are everything, and in some cases that rings true. And one case that leaves a lasting impression and sets the tone of the whole night is the Tony Award opening number. Some of my favorites from recent memory or Josh Grouban and Sara Bareilles and of course Neil Patrick Harris. So what do they have in common, and what makes a good and bad Tony Award opening song? And why is one song so important? Let's dive in.

The opening is important because it sets the stage (pun intended) and the tone for the whole night, it shows how the host is going to approach the show. For example if they are going to try to hard to make jokes, or if they find a balance between hosting and singing. The opening number can also sometimes show how much effort said host is willing to put in, if they really care about this or not. This opening number sets the mood for evening and can also be one of the most memorable parts of the night for better or worse. There are some Tony awards where the openings bored me and the show that followed did the same, so much so that I stopped watching. Where as some that engaged, lead to me going into the night optimistic, even during some moments where I was just waiting for the jokes to stop and another performance.

The bad ones are groan worthy and hard to miss. Openings that rely too much on current trends in and outside of the world of Broadway, constantly making jokes, or trying to hard. Some also are just showcases of the shows nominated, and feel like bad jokes on top of seeing stuff we have been listening to all year. The worst are phoned in and unimpressive, forgettable and not worth a second listen. Openings that just walk you through the shows while trying to be funny, make you wish for the song to just end.

What makes a good opening is simple. A good song, a song that you can hum, sing along to, and won't forget. There are some times where I just listen to openings, the best ones can sometimes outshine some of the performances that night and be truly unforgettable. Some of the best engage you and keep you as such until the whole crowd is cheering and giving a standing ovation. The songs are not only well written, but well performed by all involved. Some of the best are a twist and subvert expectations, instead of just going through the shows listed. They will celebrate the nominees but more importantly celebrate why theater is so great to begin with, a balance of heart, jokes, and fun. The best remind us o how special this art form is, and how there are none like it in the best way possible.

So here is hoping this years Tony Awards are the latter, not the former.

Tony Awards Moving To Paramount Plus

 On September 30, 2021 the Tony Awards will finally arrive, right before Broadway reopens, and slightly after HadesTown leads the way with reopening earlier in the month the Tony Awards will finally be here.... exclusively on Paramount Plus and not on TV. This besides leaving a sour taste in my mouth leaves me with many questions. Will it be live? Who is hosting? How many performances are we going to get? And also, what are they going to do?

I really don't like that it is being locked behind a streaming service, but that only leads me to believe it will be a shorter show, with less performances and will not run over like it usually does. I feel like they should have other shows that are returning to Broadway perform to make this less of an awards show and more of a celebration. A celebration of Broadway's return and not just a standard award show, with a hearty amount of performances and celebration of theater itself. Theater has been gone for a while now, so we need to throw a party to beckon its triumphant return.

If they are locking this behind a paywall I hope this means they are not just going to phone this in and make it worth it. Hopefully the host announcement will come soon. With so many questions in the air, we can only wait to see how this turns out. And hopefully the opening number is good. Speaking of which..