Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The Tony Opening Number

 Some say that first impressions are everything, and in some cases that rings true. And one case that leaves a lasting impression and sets the tone of the whole night is the Tony Award opening number. Some of my favorites from recent memory or Josh Grouban and Sara Bareilles and of course Neil Patrick Harris. So what do they have in common, and what makes a good and bad Tony Award opening song? And why is one song so important? Let's dive in.

The opening is important because it sets the stage (pun intended) and the tone for the whole night, it shows how the host is going to approach the show. For example if they are going to try to hard to make jokes, or if they find a balance between hosting and singing. The opening number can also sometimes show how much effort said host is willing to put in, if they really care about this or not. This opening number sets the mood for evening and can also be one of the most memorable parts of the night for better or worse. There are some Tony awards where the openings bored me and the show that followed did the same, so much so that I stopped watching. Where as some that engaged, lead to me going into the night optimistic, even during some moments where I was just waiting for the jokes to stop and another performance.

The bad ones are groan worthy and hard to miss. Openings that rely too much on current trends in and outside of the world of Broadway, constantly making jokes, or trying to hard. Some also are just showcases of the shows nominated, and feel like bad jokes on top of seeing stuff we have been listening to all year. The worst are phoned in and unimpressive, forgettable and not worth a second listen. Openings that just walk you through the shows while trying to be funny, make you wish for the song to just end.

What makes a good opening is simple. A good song, a song that you can hum, sing along to, and won't forget. There are some times where I just listen to openings, the best ones can sometimes outshine some of the performances that night and be truly unforgettable. Some of the best engage you and keep you as such until the whole crowd is cheering and giving a standing ovation. The songs are not only well written, but well performed by all involved. Some of the best are a twist and subvert expectations, instead of just going through the shows listed. They will celebrate the nominees but more importantly celebrate why theater is so great to begin with, a balance of heart, jokes, and fun. The best remind us o how special this art form is, and how there are none like it in the best way possible.

So here is hoping this years Tony Awards are the latter, not the former.

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