Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Wedding Singer The Musical

 (Image Source: Amazon Music.Com)

I have been waiting to cover this show, and the theme for this month fits perfectly, so I decided to give this cast album a listen and decide if I want to see it or not. So here are my thoughts. This is a comedy musical based on the Adam Sandler comedy film. Since I have not seen the movie besides a few clips, and not seen the show on stage yet. This album is my first experience with the full show.

Most of this album is upbeat songs with a couple slow ballads with jokes intertwined through the lyrics from time to time. I found myself enjoying most the of this show, my favorites being "It's Your Wedding Day" and " If I Told You". Two of the songs are lifted straight from the movie, and one is changed to being more original. The heartfelt songs don't slow this show down but rather add breathing room and a good amount of heart, some of them incorporate some of the songs from earlier in really sweet ways. The show has some really good reprises and great use of instrumentation. Some of the songs meant to give a song and jokes at the same time work, others not so much. There were a couple songs that I found myself hitting repeat on, and others I was fine just hearing once and will not go back to often if ever.

But I would say most of this album is good, there are a ton of great upbeat songs, and sometimes the jokes are well implemented. I found myself rocking out to most songs, laughing at some while rocking out, and enjoying some of the slower songs. The song " Get Out Of The Dumpster" is a treat both as a song and comedically. So many songs in this show are a ton of fun and when they return they are used in great ways, whether in reprise or as part of another song. This show does not use it's ensemble as much as some shows but when it does it really shines, there are also plenty of solo songs that work super well. The slower songs and upbeat are great with only a few tracks I found myself skipping. This show has a great comedic feel and also feels great for a summer line up at civic theater along shows like Mama Mia, just pure upbeat fun. This show was a ton of fun and I would definitely see it live, if you want a musical with some heart and good dose of comedy with mostly good tracks, I highly recommend this one, and who knows you may enjoy the songs I did not like. I hope your day is a showstopper 

Score: Left A Chip On My Shoulder (Mostly good with a few flaws here and there, Mostly fun songs, some great, a couple worth skipping, would see for the non musical scenes to see how they play out and to see some of these songs live, a fun time would see live even at a civic theater) 

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