Thursday, June 10, 2021

In The Heights Review ( Non Spoilers)

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Welcome to the first post pertaining to the long awaited release of the film adaptation of In The Heights, after delays, releasing Hamilton on Disney Plus first which was not the original plan, many trailers, early song releases, and a ton of anticipation. The wait is finally over, on HBO MAX for thirty days, and in theaters the film is finally here. This has been my most anticipated movie of the year two years in a row, before and after the delay. I have waited so long for this movie, and it may just end up being my film of the year. I have seen it on stage, and listen to the soundtrack constantly, so I have been waiting for this. But movie adaptations have a bad reputation, either for making changes, cutting content, making new story lines, bad casting, the list goes on really. Is this one of them? Was my wait worth it? Let's jump in, turn the lights up on Washington Heights, and follow the characters I thought I knew from stage in this whole new adaptation.

This is a non spoiler review, I will post a spoiler review soon in the future. So all I will say right now is that this is a show that follows Usnavi, Benny, Nina, and more loveable characters in their day to day lives in Washington Heights, highlighting their lives, their work, and their struggles as times are changing in this neighborhood they have known all their lives.

So to dive in, what did I think? I LOVED this movie. The performances, the choreography, and the cinematography all blend together to make a one of a kind experience. This is one of the best musical movies I have ever seen. There were some changes from the stage version, thus making both important. Anyone who has seen the stage version should watch this, and vice versa. This has enough different that both are different narratives with some different songs, and of course the way they are presented. Some characters and songs are cut, but some new plotlines are added. Some plotlines from the show are changed, and some characters and their narratives are different too. Overall making this and the stage version, similar yet different. Distinct enough that both are worth a viewing, both are powerful in their own way, telling heartwarming stories. Each actor does amazing, and the movie is really well shot. Some of the ways certain shots are done are fantastic, this movie is beautiful both in sight and in sound. 

Now the run time for this film is pretty long, and some fans of the original may not like the changes, there were some that I disagreed with. Also the tone sometimes bounces around, while the original had a set tone from start to end. Both are super heartwarming but also have a ton of plot lines. Some plots from the original are altered, some are given more of a spotlight, some are given less. Both have balance issues with certain stories in their shows, even in this version there were balance issues in different ways. But the gripes are minimal this movie is just like the show, simply amazing, and they are both similar and different that the music, story, and presentation are top notch. So many songs from both will be on repeat and in my playlists, the songs even have different instrumentations for both making both soundtracks incredible. I hope this film leads to a revival of the stage show as I would love to see it again. In the end both versions are incredible, each with their own sets of strengths and weakness, some I will get into later. This movie fixed some faults with the stage version while making some new ones, but in the end, they were so small and this movie is amazing.

This film overall is amazing and worth at least once watch. This movie is fantastic, faults aside I love it, it is worth a watch and maybe a few more. The music, the chirography, the way it is shot is all simply fantastic. Well acted, well sung, well performed. This movie is the perfect way to welcome in the summer, it is fun, it has heart, and it is an incredible musical, this movie is great. I loved it and you just might as well, this is my movie of the year so far and I will be watching it again and again, the faults may be noticeable but they are outweighed by all the good in this beautiful, inspiring, movie with an amazing soundtrack. A musical well done, and i will say just might be one of the best. 

Score: Did Not Throw Away It's Shot (Some faults but overall, amazing movie, simply amazing, now there are two great versions of In The Heights)

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