Sunday, June 3, 2018

Can T.V Shows Be Made Into Broadway Musicals ?

After listening to " Spongebob Squarepants The Musical" and remembered " Addams Family The Musical" I wondered could more television shows be made into Broadway musicals. Could they just be like extended episodes of their respected shows. Plenty of movies get musical adaptations and I wondered if television could too. If Spongebob continues to do well I think we just may, and as long as the story is good and interesting, and the music is good I don't care if the concept is original or based off of an existing property, there is so much variety in theater that there is something for everyone.  Here are some T.V shows that I think would make good musicals

I Love Lucy :  A fun musical comedy, with great romance and comedy. I would be thoroughly interested if someone tried this.

Seinfeld: A musical comedy about nothing

Cheers: A fun musical that would have comedy and a ton of heart

Smash: A musical show, it could potentially transfer to the stage well. Plus a show about theater would be fun, shows about putting on shows are always great to remind us why we love theater to begin with. 

Until next time, I hope your day is a showstopper

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