Monday, April 30, 2018

1 Year Anniversary Special: Ranking All Hamilton Songs From Least Favorite to Favorite

Image result for hamilton poster

*Image Source: Hamilton Poster. ( 

To celebrate one year of posts, I thought I would rank every song from my one of my favorite shows . " Hamilton" the pop culture phenomena. Here are my songs from least favorite to favorite, what are your favorite songs from the show. I will give comments on some, whether it is placing or a joke, The only rule is it is on the original cast recording, no songs that are in the liver version but on the soundtrack, no mix tape picks , or hamildrops. Feel free to share your favorites and least favorites in the comments also your favorite lyrics. Now here is the list:

46. Say No To This(L) : This is my least favorite song, not for the beat but because it in terms of the story I am so angry at Alexander, and I feel so uncomfortable but you can not rewrite history

45.The Ten Duel Commandments 

44. Meet Me Inside 

43.Stay Alive (Reprise) 

42.Stay Alive 

41.Schuyler Defeated

40.The Adams Administration(L) : SIT DOWN JOHN

39. Your Obedient Servant 

38.The Story of Tonight  ( Reprise)

37.Winters Ball (L) 

36.Blow Us All Away (L) : I love the beat on this one, but Philip isn't in much of the show, you still feel emotional impact based on events that transpire in his life, I wish he showed up a tad more.

35.  Best Of Wives Best Of Women 

34. Farmer Refuted :The two part harmony in this song is amazing

33.We Know : Jefferson " Whaaaaaat"

32.The Reynolds Pamphlet (L)

31.I Know Him 

30.What Comes Next : This and the song above are excellent reprises, King George is great comic relief , with great vocals as well as a tune you can hum to

29.Cabinet Battle 2(L)

28.Take A Break : Every letter I write now will have a comma after the word dearest

27. Aaron Burr Sir


25.The Election Of 1800 (L)

24.It's Quiet Uptown  : Beautiful and powerful, this slow song handles grief in such a way that many can relate to it. If you can make it through this song without crying you have a stronger will then I do

23.Dear Theodosia :  A wonderful melody with amazing lyrics

22. Burn :  Powerful lyrics that cover a part of history we can only speculate about in such a smart way

21. That Will Be Enough

20.Yorktown: The World Turned Upside Down(L) 

19.The World Was Wide Enough : An epic climax that shows realism for both sides of that famous duel

18.Washington On Your Side(L)

17.What'd I Miss(L) : It's hilarious how Jefferson just shows up and like " What's up, yeah I've been in France"

16.Helpless : Such a cute love song

15.Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story : Very real finale with a great epilogue using strong words from Act 1

14.Cabinet Battle 1(L) : I like this one more then the second one because it is the first instance of Hamilton facing Jefferson and it is done so well, the second is also great but this one throws you right back into the action shortly after intermission

13.Right Hand Man (L)

12.The Story of Tonight : A new song to blast in the car with my friends , a great song about standing for our dreams together

11. One Last Time : George Washington's going home, and this song is so good and so full of emotion I am going to cry

10.You'll Be Back : Having a main villain come and sing a break up song about the  country he just lost, it's catchy, it's fun, it's pure genius

9. Wait For It( L) :This shows a real side of Burr, posing  completely different ideas then what we have being hearing from Hamilton so far , and why Burr holds them. For those who want something yet are only left with closed doors and questions, we wait for it. The beat is also amazing

8.History Has It's Eyes On You : The words hold so much weight to them, showing that even the most minor of actions lead to bigger results intended or not, so what do you do with them, in aquiet moment before Yorktown this moment pack on emotion

7.The Room Where It Happens : The results of waiting for it show a real side of wanting to be  aprt of something, the lyrics and beat are masterful crafted in this upbeat romp

6.Guns and Ships : Speed rapping I wish I could pull off

5.Nonstop : a great song, with a harmony at that is nothing short of incredible

4.Satisfied : a very great song posing the question " what could have been" , showing speed, wit and emotion, this song is one i will be playing on rewind for a long time

3.The Schuyler Sisters : A great introduction of incredible ladies, a great song that will have you singing along as you WORK. nothing short of fantastic, great for everyone..... AND PEGGY

2.Alexander Hamilton (L)  : This song earned a place this high for being the first, for being a solid introduction and plot summary, for being the one that started it all, showing why Hamilton's story should be told, from a very tragic beginning to becoming a hero and a scholar

1. My Shot (L) : My absolute favorite, the song I have listened to on repeat, the beat, the lyrics, the use of solo and ensemble singing, this song has also inspired me time and time again not to give up, that dreams are attainable. This song is nothing short of awesome and I love singing along and will continue as I chase my dreams

This was fun, I think I will rank other shows in the future, until next time, thank you for reading , and until next time. I hope your day is a showstopper

Thank You : 1 Year Anniversary

It has been 365 days since I have started this blog, and even though I am far away from five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes, I am very glad I can write blog posts about something I truly care about. The shows and songs I have discovered, and the experiences I have had from doing this blog are amazing, and I look forward to more fun experiences as we continue, Thank you for reading these posts, and until next time I hope your day is a showstopper, but to celebrate this occasion

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Broadway Songs For Finals

It looks like the time has come, the final exams, the study sessions, the late nights, Here are a few Broadway recommendations while you are burning that midnight oil. For any situation for the finals ahead, and feel free to share in the comments the Broadway songs you will be listening for your finals.

Studying for The Exam ( Alone )

Defying Gravity " Wicked"

Ease on Down The Road " The Wiz"

Non Stop " Hamilton"

I Got Rhythm " An American in Paris"

Me and the Sky " Come From Away"

Proud of Your Boy " Aladdin"

Just A Simple Sponge " Spongebob Squarepants the Musical"

Studying In A Group ( Songs to 

Tomorrow Is " Spongebob Squarepants the Musical"

One Day More " Les Miserables"

Jolly Holiday " Mary Poppins"

You Can't Stop The Beat " Hairspray"

Seize The Day (L) " Newsies"

Our Time " Merrily We Roll Along"

Schuyler Sisters " Hamilton"

" Do You Hear the People Sing" ( Les Miserables)

Exam Time

My Shot ( L) " Hamilton"

Once and For All " Newsies"

What I Did for Love " A Chorus Line"

Don't Rain on My Parade " Funny Girl"

When The Exam Is Over ( Celebrating After The Academic Battle) 

The Story of Tonight " Hamilton"

Love Will Stand When All Else Falls " Memphis"

Opening Doors " Merrily We Roll Along"

Footloose " "

Put on Your Sunday Clothes " Hello Dolly"

Open A New Window " Mame"

I hope these songs can help you can hum along as you study whether a couple days or a couple hours before the big test, until next time, I hope your day is a showstopper.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Good First Shows For Children

Say you have a child, niece, nephew, or your'e part of a big brother program and would like to introduce them to a show, these productions are a great start, not only are they family friendly,  they are full of fun songs and are a ton of fun. Feel free to recommend your favorite shows that you think a good first show for kids. Here are some of mine:



Mary Poppins

Spongebob Squarepants the Musical 


Shrek The Muscial


Music Man

Lion King

Until Next time, I hope your day is a showstopper

Finale: Classic Musical Month

This has been quite the journey, reminding myself of classics that I loved as well as finding new favorites. There are a few more classics that I want to look at in the future but I want to add more modern musicals and ideas into the mix as well. I thoroughly enjoyed this and would definitely do it again, maybe a different month. But after this and the themed love month in February, the next themed month will probably be in the second half of the year when I can come up with a cool idea, but there will be a lot of tony discussion, coverage, and reviews come late may and early June as the event comes closer . Until  next time I hope your day is a showstopper

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Ways to Experience the Classics

There are times we discover a show to only find the sad truth that it has not run in twenty plus years so how can we enjoy classic shows, since time travel has yet to be invented. Here are a few ideas

Check Your Civic Theater or Local High School :  Sometimes Broadway revivals are not enough, or the show you want to see has no revival or has any plans to be revived in the near future,  but schools and civic theaters are always looking for a variety of shows to perform speaking of which...

Encourage Your Local Theater or High School to Perform A Classic Show : If you are in a position to put on shows, maybe a classic is what you need to switch things up, besides many are either public domain or are easier to perform then other shows.

Find a Film Adaptation:  There are many classic film musicals that are just as if not more popular then their stage counterparts, you could even have a classic musical library of adaptions or live taping of shows

Listen to the Soundtrack:  Definitely add it to your regular playlists, find your favorites, and share it with fellow theater fans you know, you may even introduce them to a new favorite of theirs.

Read Up On the History of Your Favorites: Sometimes what brings life to a classic you have enjoyed and listened to over and over, maybe even seen, is reading up on the writing process, how it was written, the writer's other works, and  the writer themselves.

Until next time I hope your day is a showstopper

Monday, April 23, 2018

Shows I've Seen Reviews: Taming Of The Shrew

When I was talking about Shakespeare the other day, thinking of the last show the bard penned that I saw, It was a college production of " Taming Of The Shrew" and why not review it as the end of the month celebrates Shakespeare.

The plot begins with a  drunk man stopping at a local Inn and being told he is a lord and is distracted with  the story of  Katherina the " Shrew" who frightens any male suitor, while more men want to marry her younger sister Bianca, their father wants the elder to wed first, meanwhile Hortensio and Gremio try to win over the younger sister with many schemes to win her over, including disguises  as the adventurous Petruchio takes on the task of trying to win over the older sister. 

The best thing about Shakespeare shows is that there is no direct setting, so you can have s how set in the old west or even during modern day. The production I saw was performed with costumes and sets that are straight from the time period , which were still nice and well made.

This show is funny, there are many puns, surprises and all keeping with the fact that the entire show is a show itself being put on, giving the idea that some parts or lines are being added on the spot. This comedy is very well written, and makes me want to look into more Shakespeare comedies as I am more familiar with the tragedies.

If you can see a production of this show or read the book, I recommend it, I had plenty of fun. Until next time I hope your day is a showstopper

Sources: Wikipedia , for a quick refresher, mostly the names. 

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Shows I've Seen Review: Annie

Many of us know of little orphan Annie, and many of us have heard the song " Tomorrow" in one form or fashion. Well after seeing it on a Broadway national tour in 2015 and seeing a civic theater production last holiday season. So after seeing it twice ( once before this blog was even an idea), and after listening to the soundtrack countless times, looking at the many times this show has been revived as well as made into several film adaptations I  figured I would look at this classic. And for this review besides my two viewings I will be going off of the 2012 Broadway cast recording

Annie follows the likable Annie, an orphan as well as a group of her fellow orphans under the control of the mean Miss Hannigan, when Annie gets taken in by the kind Oliver Warbucks she goes on all sort of adventures, especially in search of her parents. The story is very simple, with very few surprises, but all the characters are likable and there are many jokes and fun moments. This show is a very good show for kids and could be a good introduction to theater, points just mentioned.

The music is very well made, the songs are very catchy and you'll find some of your favorites, the use of jazz fits the NYC setting well, and the jazz changes to fit the characters like fun and light for Annie, but slower for the drab and constantly tired/ Hungover Miss Hannigan. Here are my favorite songs


Hard Knock Life

Tomorrow and Tomorrow ( Reprise) 

I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here


Your'e Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile

Something Was Missing

Anything But You

Getting a New Deal for Christmas

So if a tour is coming by, a friend is in a school or theater production, maybe check this classic out, as Classic Musical Month has only one month left, I have  a few more surprises left. Until then I hope your day is a showstopper

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

5 Classic Songs That Are Encouraging

Sometimes we need a pick me up, a song that encourages us to continue chasing our dreams. Songs that remind you that you can do it if  you don't give up. Feel free to share, as well as why you chose the songs that I have not mentioned. But here are eight classics to brighten up a gloomy day

5. Something's Coming Something Good " West Side Story" : A reminder to keep optimistic, even if we don;t know when, things could turn around, it just may be on it's way

4.I Believe in You " How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" : This song is great because it shows someone encouraging themselves, giving themselves a much need pep talk with a fair amount of convenience but not being prideful.

3. Our Time " Merrily We Roll Along" - the initial inspiration for this list, this song reminds us to keep our friends close and to be optimistic, this song focuses on group efforts and reminds us that dreams are best shared

2. Tomorrow "Annie" : This song reminds us no matter how hard today may be, tomorrow can be better we just need to hold on until then, this song has inspired many generations to keep on, and it is a great song for all ages to remember that things can be better and to have hope.

1. Don't Rain on My Parade " Funny Girl" : This song is an anthem, it shows sun or rain, that we can at least try. No matter what we can try to achieve our dreams, and sometimes all we need to do is have the courage to try. Streisand leads this triumphant song, giving hope and reminding us to not listen to naysayers.

Until next time, I hope your day is a showstopper.

Monday, April 16, 2018


April is the month that the bard from Stafford-Upon-Avon both was born and passed way 52 years later. His plays are read and performed hundreds of years after they premiered in the Globe. From comedy to drama, He was always good at making  characters we can all relate to, with flaws whether leading to laughs or tragedy. Yes I said he, I do think he was one man who wrote many works, and some were collaborations, so you will hear no conspiracy from me of Shakespeare used as a pen name. He wrote abut relevant topics such as race, class, and even talked about historical figures from his own time as well as writing excellent poetry. I still have plenty of shows to look into, and I plan to look into one Shakespeare show to celebrate before the month is over. What is your favorite Shakespeare show? I may need to look into it soon, here are the ones  I have seen and or read


Romeo and Juliet

Julius Ceaser

Loves Labors Lost

The Taming of the Shrew

Until next time, I hope your day is a showstopper

Expanding Hoizions

When taking Drama 101 back in college ( a big inspiration for me to start this blog) my professor told us " There is not one way only, it takes on many forms, there are Operas, Plays, Ballets, Musicals, even improv shows and dance recitals are considered theater, they are live productions meant to entertain. " I was reminiscing when this idea came back to me, and it made me want to improve this blog, and that means looking into plays, movie adaptations, ballets, dances, maybe even some opera ON TOP of what I am already doing. meaning I still want to cover musicals most of the time but I also want to add other avenues to spice things up. Starting with....

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Judging A Show By It's Cast Album : Merrily We Roll Along

I  have been looking more into Sondheim lately, I was only aware of a few of his shows and I wanted to look into one I have heard of a few times " Merrily We roll Along", and right now from just listening to the cast album and reading the plot... I really want to see this show, and I am more then glad to add to my playlist.

The plot follows Frank, a successful film writer, though he admits his films are shallow and are just made to make money so he can write the projects he wants to. But selling out, among other decisions he has made, leads to a party though the crowds praise him at this gathering of the elite,he ends one of his closets friendships as well as his 2nd marriage. Though he is well off he is very unhappy having pushed away those closest to him... then the transitions begin . This show works entirely in flashbacks , showing how all the characters got to this point . so the relationships go from worse to better. And that is so unique that I need to see this show play out on stage, the show begins where most shows end, working backwards is something I would like to see. the plot has many surprises that unfold as we go backwards. The themes of dreams, goals, and friendship are handled very well and don't feel tacked on but add life to the characters, no one is a real villain but they make mistakes, and the ideas of what it takes to get what you want, and what the costs are.

 The music fits every situation and mood well, going from calm and collected to fast paced. The songs can inspire you and are very catchy. It's crazy how the same sounding songs can have two different meanings as well, showing how friendships and dreams change over time. If you are an aspiring writer or artist, some of the songs will inspire you, especially the later ones when it shows our leads getting their start. Here are some of my favorites that immediately went on my playlists and were listened to on repeat:

Merrily We Roll Along

Old Friends ( Part One and Two)

All  Seven Transitions ( 2nd is My Favorite)

Growing Up

It's A Hit

Opening Doors

Our Time

I am so glad i looked into this show, and as said before whether on Broadway or in a civic theater, this is is a show that I want to see as soon as possible, If you have not heard of this show I highly recommend looking into this show, it is another Sondheim classic and I highly recommend it, there are a few filmed and live versions, I plan on looking into them on a later date and doing a follow up post. Until then thanks for reading and I hope your day is a showstopper


Wikipedia " Merrily We Roll Along"

Merrily We Roll Along 1994 Broadway Cast Recodring 

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Classic's That Should Be Revived

Singing In the Rain-  There were plans to bring this classic back to the stage all these years later, I do hope it comes back to introduce new audiences to the classic

Merrily We Roll Along- I will keep this brief as I plan on diving in deeper, having recently discovered this very unique show, told entirely in flashbacks telling a story but moving backwards this show has so many different unique yet relevant themes of dreams, friendship, relationships, and the cost of what you want, with unforgettable songs by the classic Sondheim. This show should get revived and I can't wait to give more reasons why soon..

Guys and Dolls - I feel like this would do well just like the recent " Hello Dolly" revival, this show is done in many community theaters for it's fun, comical, lighthearted story with classic unforgettable song 

How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying-  Even though this was revived four years ago, this show is so relevant in the way it portrays working, with great classic songs and great comedy as well, I would not mind if this show at least got another national tour 

So what are some of your favorite classics that you would like to see come to center stage again, it's nice to look back and find new songs or new shows to love from the past. Until next time,  I hope your day is a showstopper 

Shows I've Seen Review : West Side Story

Back in 8th grade I was shown the film version of Stephen Sondheim classic " West Side Story", but in 2013 I got to see it live, on a national Broadway tour. As we talked classic musicals, I decided to reminisce and talk about the modern take on Romeo and Juliet.

The plot follows two gangs in New York, the Jets and the Sharks are two gangs at war to control the city, some born and raised there, others from Cuba. When Tony and Maria, one from each side fall in love, they have to find a way to keep their relationship among the warring factions, whole remaining loyal to their friends and family.

This show is a drama and has many twists and turns and it's fair share of heavy moments, there are a couple songs meant to lighten to mood and show that the characters are still young and can't be serious all the time, but this show for the most part is a drama. It is very well written and the characters are complicated and three dimensional, I was invested the whole time, this musical is more suited for older audiences due to the heavier dramatic moments and some of the complex them on race and such .

The music is nothing short of amazing, Sondheim is a musical genius and this is no exception, all the songs are memorable and set the mood perfectly, the choreography must been seen at least once, whether on video, live, or in concert as a tribute. Each dance its energetic or slower to perfectly match the brilliant music, this shows choreography is a great reason alone to see the show, the music, singing, and story added together make this piece timeless. Here are some of my favorite songs, and these songs are the 2013 Broadway revival version for reference.

Something's Coming

Tonight ( Duet)



Tonight ( Quintet) 

Some Where

I Feel Pretty

A Boy Like That/I Have a Love

If you are looking for a good drama I recommend this classic, there is a pretty accurate classic movie, but the stage version does contain more, and the 2013 Broadway cast is the soundtrack I listen to the most and recommend, and catch a tour if you can, if you enjoy the show. Thanks for reading and until next time, I hope your day is a showstopper

Monday, April 9, 2018

Themed Playlist : Classic

I have not made a themed playlist in some time, and as it is Classic Musical Month , I wanted to share just a grab bag of songs from classic shows, and if you haven't heard these songs, definitely look them up, and recommend some of your favorite classics so I can look them up and add them to my playlist,  this playlist theme is only the first of many, I definitively will be looking into more and more classic songs, to make more playlists.  Here are some classic Broadway songs I can't stop humming,

Seventy Six Trombones - Music Man

Sincere- Music Man

Climb Every Mountain - Sound Of Music

America -  West Side Story

Tonight ( Duet and Quintet) - West Side Story 

Luck Be a Lady Tonight- Guys and Dolls

I Believe In You - How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying

Before The Parade Passes By- Hello Dolly

Don't Rain on My Parade - Funny Girl 

Open A New Window - Mame

Comedy Tonight- A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

You'll Never Walk Alone - Carousel

If Only My Friends Could See Me Now- Sweet Chairty

So here are a variety of  songs to get you started, and if you enjoy one song, you might enjoy the rest of the show as well. until next time, I hope your day is a showstopper

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Classic Shows I Want To See

Sometimes a show eludes you, or you discover it , long after it's initial run. Here are some classic shows I missed along the way but I hope to see someday, whether it be to unavailability, discovered too late or because I couldn't afford a ticket these are the classic shows that passed me by.

Merrily We Roll Along

Sound Of Music  

Funny Girl

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

Sunday In The Park With George

What shows have you missed along the way? Until next time I hope your day is a showstopper

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Judging A Show By Its Cast Album : Hello Dolly

" Hello Dolly" , the classic tale of the meddling matchmaker that I discovered thanks to the recent revival starring Bette Middler and David Hyde Pierce, this comedy show I only know through the album, I have not seen a production or a film.. yet, but I plan on viewing both as soon as possible

" Hello Dolly" follows Dolly a widow and a very skilled matchmaker, as her and her clients get into wild adventures and as she tries to win over the rich widower Horace. This comedy is full of wit and charm as well as unforgettable songs, this show is so good at setting the mood, whether to dance or to take a moment to breath, but this show is also good at incorporating jokes into the well written songs as well as turn the story on its head with crazy situations at the turn of a hat.

The songs are catchy and each one stands out, the revival even adds a cut song  " Penny in My Pocket" and I'm glad they did, it's a fun song. Here are some of my favorites

I Put My Hand In
It Takes a Woman
Put on Your Sunday Clothes
Before the Parade Passes By
Penny In My Pocket
Waiters Gallop
Hello Dolly

If you want fun, " Hello Dolly" is pure fun, if you are unsure look up the cast album, you may be pleasantly surprised, I know I was. Until next time I hope your day is a showstopper. Classic Musical Month is looking to be amazing, but there is some classic theater to be discussed as well 


Wikipedia " Hello Dolly" Plot

Hello Dolly Revival Cast Recording 

Musicals Today That I think Will Become Classics

Plenty of shows we are going to talk about have stood the test of time, defining them as classics. Shows that are great now and then, loved by all audiences. Here are some more recent shows that I believe will become classics. What modern musicals do you think will be played and performed twenty years from now ? Here are the shows that I think are bound to become classics


Come From Away


Dear Evan Hansen

Until next time, I hope your day is a showstopper

Monday, April 2, 2018

Review:The Music Man , Starring Robert Preston

back in 2013 I discovered my first classic musicals. I was introduced to was Meredith Wilson;s comedy known as " The Music Man" I have seen a high school production of this show but as I review the show I decided the revisit the production that introduced me to this classic, as well as what it is most known for, and I was so pleasantly surprised that it became one of my favorite musicals.

Music Man follows professional con man Professor Harold Hill as he arrives to the fictional town of river city Iowa, there he finds the  humble town, a new pool hall, and Marian the Librarian, the only towns member truly smart and aware enough to see through Harold's plan to sell the town instruments and uniforms but then leave before teaching a single music lesson with the money for said equipment . The comedy is well executed with great one liners, with well timed set ups. All the characters are likable but Harold and Marian steal the show

The songs are amazing from the beginning, when it starts with " Rock Island  " the shows songs always fit the mood being conveyed at the moment so well, with such energy in the showstopping " Seventy Six Trombones"  or calm moments in " Goodnight my Someone" , this classic is fun and has a ton of heart.  Here are my favorite songs

Rock Island
You Got Trouble 
Goodnight My Someone
Seventy Six Trombones ( My Favorite Song)
Pick a Little Talk a Little / Goodnight Ladies
Marian the Librarian ( 2nd Favorite Song)
It's You

The film made, with much of the Broadway cast in it including Robert Prestron reprising his role as Harold Hill is a very faithful adaption and one worth checking out along with the Broadway or film soundtrack, though the two have slight differences,I prefer the original Broadway soundtrack. If you want a fun, timeless comedy, well there's no better place to look for trouble then right here in River City, Till next time I hope your day is a showstopper  

Classic Musical Month: Introduction

Welcome, I hope you had an excellent Easter whether with family or watching NBC's live performance of " Jesus Christ Superstar" , It is now time for Classic  Musical Month, shows from times gone by, that are running ,maybe revived, even if  their runs have ended their timeless stories and songs still carry on. I am mostly focusing on the 30's to the 80's, any show that is twenty years or older. but the older the better. So let the show begin