Monday, April 16, 2018


April is the month that the bard from Stafford-Upon-Avon both was born and passed way 52 years later. His plays are read and performed hundreds of years after they premiered in the Globe. From comedy to drama, He was always good at making  characters we can all relate to, with flaws whether leading to laughs or tragedy. Yes I said he, I do think he was one man who wrote many works, and some were collaborations, so you will hear no conspiracy from me of Shakespeare used as a pen name. He wrote abut relevant topics such as race, class, and even talked about historical figures from his own time as well as writing excellent poetry. I still have plenty of shows to look into, and I plan to look into one Shakespeare show to celebrate before the month is over. What is your favorite Shakespeare show? I may need to look into it soon, here are the ones  I have seen and or read


Romeo and Juliet

Julius Ceaser

Loves Labors Lost

The Taming of the Shrew

Until next time, I hope your day is a showstopper

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