Monday, April 30, 2018

1 Year Anniversary Special: Ranking All Hamilton Songs From Least Favorite to Favorite

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*Image Source: Hamilton Poster. ( 

To celebrate one year of posts, I thought I would rank every song from my one of my favorite shows . " Hamilton" the pop culture phenomena. Here are my songs from least favorite to favorite, what are your favorite songs from the show. I will give comments on some, whether it is placing or a joke, The only rule is it is on the original cast recording, no songs that are in the liver version but on the soundtrack, no mix tape picks , or hamildrops. Feel free to share your favorites and least favorites in the comments also your favorite lyrics. Now here is the list:

46. Say No To This(L) : This is my least favorite song, not for the beat but because it in terms of the story I am so angry at Alexander, and I feel so uncomfortable but you can not rewrite history

45.The Ten Duel Commandments 

44. Meet Me Inside 

43.Stay Alive (Reprise) 

42.Stay Alive 

41.Schuyler Defeated

40.The Adams Administration(L) : SIT DOWN JOHN

39. Your Obedient Servant 

38.The Story of Tonight  ( Reprise)

37.Winters Ball (L) 

36.Blow Us All Away (L) : I love the beat on this one, but Philip isn't in much of the show, you still feel emotional impact based on events that transpire in his life, I wish he showed up a tad more.

35.  Best Of Wives Best Of Women 

34. Farmer Refuted :The two part harmony in this song is amazing

33.We Know : Jefferson " Whaaaaaat"

32.The Reynolds Pamphlet (L)

31.I Know Him 

30.What Comes Next : This and the song above are excellent reprises, King George is great comic relief , with great vocals as well as a tune you can hum to

29.Cabinet Battle 2(L)

28.Take A Break : Every letter I write now will have a comma after the word dearest

27. Aaron Burr Sir


25.The Election Of 1800 (L)

24.It's Quiet Uptown  : Beautiful and powerful, this slow song handles grief in such a way that many can relate to it. If you can make it through this song without crying you have a stronger will then I do

23.Dear Theodosia :  A wonderful melody with amazing lyrics

22. Burn :  Powerful lyrics that cover a part of history we can only speculate about in such a smart way

21. That Will Be Enough

20.Yorktown: The World Turned Upside Down(L) 

19.The World Was Wide Enough : An epic climax that shows realism for both sides of that famous duel

18.Washington On Your Side(L)

17.What'd I Miss(L) : It's hilarious how Jefferson just shows up and like " What's up, yeah I've been in France"

16.Helpless : Such a cute love song

15.Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story : Very real finale with a great epilogue using strong words from Act 1

14.Cabinet Battle 1(L) : I like this one more then the second one because it is the first instance of Hamilton facing Jefferson and it is done so well, the second is also great but this one throws you right back into the action shortly after intermission

13.Right Hand Man (L)

12.The Story of Tonight : A new song to blast in the car with my friends , a great song about standing for our dreams together

11. One Last Time : George Washington's going home, and this song is so good and so full of emotion I am going to cry

10.You'll Be Back : Having a main villain come and sing a break up song about the  country he just lost, it's catchy, it's fun, it's pure genius

9. Wait For It( L) :This shows a real side of Burr, posing  completely different ideas then what we have being hearing from Hamilton so far , and why Burr holds them. For those who want something yet are only left with closed doors and questions, we wait for it. The beat is also amazing

8.History Has It's Eyes On You : The words hold so much weight to them, showing that even the most minor of actions lead to bigger results intended or not, so what do you do with them, in aquiet moment before Yorktown this moment pack on emotion

7.The Room Where It Happens : The results of waiting for it show a real side of wanting to be  aprt of something, the lyrics and beat are masterful crafted in this upbeat romp

6.Guns and Ships : Speed rapping I wish I could pull off

5.Nonstop : a great song, with a harmony at that is nothing short of incredible

4.Satisfied : a very great song posing the question " what could have been" , showing speed, wit and emotion, this song is one i will be playing on rewind for a long time

3.The Schuyler Sisters : A great introduction of incredible ladies, a great song that will have you singing along as you WORK. nothing short of fantastic, great for everyone..... AND PEGGY

2.Alexander Hamilton (L)  : This song earned a place this high for being the first, for being a solid introduction and plot summary, for being the one that started it all, showing why Hamilton's story should be told, from a very tragic beginning to becoming a hero and a scholar

1. My Shot (L) : My absolute favorite, the song I have listened to on repeat, the beat, the lyrics, the use of solo and ensemble singing, this song has also inspired me time and time again not to give up, that dreams are attainable. This song is nothing short of awesome and I love singing along and will continue as I chase my dreams

This was fun, I think I will rank other shows in the future, until next time, thank you for reading , and until next time. I hope your day is a showstopper

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