Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Dear Evan Hansen Movie Trailer

 (Image Source: Amoebamusic.com) 

When I woke up this morning I was greeted with the trailer for the film version of Dear Evan Hansen, slated for a late September release in theaters. And I was not going to wait for next Musical Monday to talk about this one, here is a bonus post, now let's dive in.

This trailer was very well made, and well shot. The cinematography in this movie already looks amazing, the music shown already was well performed and well done.  The acting in the trailer is also really good, The plot was shown for those who are not familiar with the show, and it was well shot and this trailer is very well made. The music is used well, they used one song from the show You Will Be Found, but used in a great way for the trailer,  it looks very well acted and the trailer is well made. This show is incredibly heavy and deals with a lot of heavy subject matter and the trailer did not shy away from that, I am glad the trailer showed everything up front so I am excited what gets revealed next. Overall I am not the biggest Dear Evan Hansen fan but I was surprised by this trailer, intrigued, and want to see the movie, so the trailer did its job. 

From this trailer alone I am interested in the movie. It looks like the stage version on a much grander scale and looks like what I picture when I hear the songs in the cast album. Bringing back Ben Platt and maybe some other stars from the Broadway adaptation, this trailer mainly focuses on Evan, this looks to be a faithful adaptation. This show is still insanely popular and only was beginning tours when lockdown started so I have not had a chance to see this show yet. I only just saw Hamilton on tour in 2019 and the beginning of 2020 as that show was mid tour for two different casts. Evan Hansen was slated to come to my area as the big blockbuster musical before it was postponed twice. So without the ability to see the show, if the conditions are safe enough I will see the movie. Movie adaptations sometimes prove to be the more cost friendly and in my case accessible versions of shows. They are their own adaptations so there are bound to be differences, some I will not get because I have only listened to the album a handful of times but I will be waiting to see reviews from people who saw the show on stage who can point the differences out. For many this, In The Heights, and the live shows including the release of the Hamilton movie this the way to see a show before they come to your area. Or with many tours being further delayed the only way to access some new theater for some time. I plan on seeing and reviewing this movie If I can, with the short trailer not much was given away but it from what I saw looked like the album came to life and looked the way I envisioned it. If things are safe enough I will see it, as it is the more cost effective option. This year is a really good year for musical movies, last year we got Hamilton and Netflix's version of The Prom but now there are tons of announcements for live shows such as Waitress. Movie adaptations getting announced, original movie musicals getting announced or released like Vivo, and then there is Dear Evan Hansen, In The Heights, and West Side Story being released this year. I plan to cover all three and maybe even rank them, well see how I decide to cover them but I promise you I will. For many like me who have only local theater troupes to lean back on, and even then many of them are remote and filmed or streamed. These movies and live shows are much needed for the areas who won't get theater reopening later this year so I say keep making them, keep taping live shows, and making these movies, they are a breath of fresh air. 

Next week I will be covering some works of Steven Sondheim but now is a perfect time as any. To celebrate the release of In The Heights, for all of June we will have a theme. Movie Musical Month, covering movie adaptations of musical and vice versa, albums, shows, memories, etc. All sorts of fun will be had, so get excited, I know I am,  and I will see you again soon. have a great day. 

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