Saturday, May 8, 2021

Finding Neverland Album Review


(Image Source: Pintrest) 

During all this off time, from time to time, I step away from listening to my favorite cast albums over and over to try something new. And not to long ago I gave this show a listen or two and now I wanted to talk about the album. 

This show follows the creation of the classic tale of Peter Pan, and this show does have nods to all of the story, so even the parts we wish we could all forget. The story just by listening to the album seems very predictable, and since I have not seen the show or the film this was based on I will use what I have from what I heard. Some of the songs in this show are great for artists and creative types alike, some of the songs were on the same level of inspiring for me as Sunday In The Park With George in terms of inspiring creativity. Some of the songs are super fun too, and inspire a great sense of fun and embracing your inner child. Not every song was my favorite and I found myself skipping some on repeated visits, but plenty of the album did great of being fun or inspiring. There were fun group numbers, and some that encouraged how fun creating something new can be. 

Not all the songs were my favorite but I found myself enjoying quite a few of them, the group numbers are a ton of fun, and some of the songs in this show are very inspiring. I found myself enjoying the upbeat numbers, some of the slower songs were okay and had good character in them, but when they are back to back I found myself skipping them. I did find myself preferring the slower songs in act two, which in terms of the story might end up being really good pay offs for the story being told, but since I am just judging this by the album I enjoyed the later slower songs to the earlier ones. 

Here are the songs I enjoyed most if you would like to check them out.

If The World Turned Upside Down

All Of London Is Here


We Own The Night


The World Is Upside Down

What You Mean To Me


We're Are Made Of Stars

When Your Feet Don't Touch The Ground

Something About This Night

I would say my top three would be:

3.When Your Feet Don't Touch The Ground

2. We Own The Night

1. Stronger

Though two and three shuffle around a bit, I truly enjoyed and loved the songs so all the ones listed are recommendations from me.

So I would say I like about half if not a little over half of the song, though not all of them were winners, some of them were really good. And just because I did not enjoy a specific song doesn't mean you might not. This show when it lands that sense of fun or inspiring creativity is great, when the show strays from that I found myself losing interest. Also the final two numbers in the album I feel need to been seen on stage as they were more so just describing what was happening, so for me as a listener the ending was very weak, I tried to use my imagination to pretend what was going on but this ending definitely is more visual then song based. Which for people who can not see the show right away is a slight detriment because some shows still can have the plot come together without sacrificing music and songs for those who wanted to listen to cast album before seeing the show. 

Overall I enjoyed parts of this show, some of it was pretty good or pretty fun, so when I have the chance I do plan on seeing it live. 

Rating: Finish The Hat- Had some flaws but quite a bit is enjoyable, worth at least one whole listen, and to see play out on stage, opinion might change if I see this live for now, it is mostly okay, a 6 to 7 out of 10. 

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