Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Top Nine Movie Musicals

As we left off talking about film and musicals I thought I would throw my hat in the ring on my favorites, this could either be an adaptation of a stage show, or a movie that has plenty of moments where the characters break into song. The only rule is no animated features, as that deserves a list itself. Noe here is my list of my favorite movie musicals, and share yours in the comments, this topic will definitely be revisited in the future, Because there are only eight, and Indeed to fix that as there are way more classic movie musicals that i have not seen in a long time or seen period., so this is not the last well see of this topic. But for now here are my favorites

9. Music Man ( 1962) - This is a near perfect stage adaption, Robert Preston is the definitive Harold Hill, this movie feels like an expanded version of the stage, very classic

8. Funny Girl- It's Streisand, Enough Said about this timeless piece

7. West Side Story -  ( Snaps Fingers) my first movie musical, the Romeo and Juliet of the streets, well acted, great music, tragic.

6. Les Miserables-  Though flawed, the good parts are really good, the original song is also a pleasant treat, and Hugh Jackman is awesome in this...

5. Mary Poppins- The Julie Andrews classic that is practically perfect in every way, that is still amazing for kids and adults alike

4. Hairspray-  A note for note adaptation, every actor does well, you won;t want to stop the beat after watching this, an incredible take on such a fun story about chasing your dreams no matter what, plus Zac Efron is amazing in this...

3. The Greatest Showman-  Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron are awesome in this.... also the music is incredible and fun, the story is simple yet inspiring, it is nothing short of amazing

2. La La Land-  Here's to the fools who dream, and what a beautiful dream this movie is, from the amazing music, the fantastic romance between Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, this movie is a gem, and like " Greatest Showman" Became one of my favorite films after seeing it, as well as an instant soundtrack purchase, two and three are incredible and were so close.

1. Willy Wonka and The  Chocolate Factory -  My childhood favorite, and one of my favorite movies of all time, the music is classic and well known, " Pure Imagination" is still beautiful, the story is fun  ( minus the nightmare tunnel) , and this is one of Gene Wydlers best perfoamnces hands down, a classic that spans generations

Thank you for readings, what did I miss, please comment your favorite movie musicals, ad until nex t time I hope your day is a showstopper

Monday, February 26, 2018

Shows I Love: Music Man

Welcome to the last installment of "Shows I Love" for this year... or until I want to do them outside of February, so I decide to stop for now in the small, quiet, fictional town of river city . Music man is another amazing classic show, with unforgettable songs, and great characters. The classic tale of the con man Harold Hill , the simple town, a plot involving a boys marching band, and the Librarian named Marian who can see right through him, the comedy in this show is amazing and the simple premise leaves for plenty of good jokes and character development. here are some of my favorite songs.

Ya Got Trouble
Seventy Six Trombones 
Goodnight my Someone
Marian the Librarian
It's You
The Sadder but Wiser Girl

If you want a great classic show, and you have not checked this one out, I highly recommend, till next time I hope your'e day is a showstopper  

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Should Musicals Have Film Adaptations

I was watching a youtube video the other day and I saw the trailer for " Mama Mia 2: Here We Go Again", and I was left with two questions, one was why did "Mama Mia" warrant a sequel, even when the stage show doesn't have a sequel, I'll revisit this question later. And the second question which is the topic of discussion today, do staged productions need film adaptions? Many people clamor for a "Hamilton" movie, and there has been talk of a " Wicked" movie for a long time. It is nice that there are easy access to a version of a show, but at certain times , songs are excluded, characters are changed, scenes are changed,  or the performance is given to someone who hasn't been trained in the musical style of singing.

But there are other times where a movie can be just as good as a staged adaption, and with enough love and care, it's a performance you can watch countless times, without paying a ticket fee, just a one time DVD cost. Sometimes the film gets it right, and other times it's a cash in.

Musicals are fun to experience live due to hearing audience reactions, seeing a story play out as well as taking everything in such as the set and music, that's why some productions have live recordings on DVD and on sites like Broadway.com

Yet it is interesting to see popular actors take on the roles we all know and love, yet sometimes the stories take important parts out of the show for example some of my favorite songs are removed from " Into the Woods" and some characters are downplayed or removed as well, but then " Hairspray" is a note for note adaption that is well acted and sung.

What do you think, should shows stay on the stage or hit the big screen. Till next time I hope your day is a showstopper

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Shows I Love: Hello Dolly

I was unfamiliar with this classic tale of a meddling matchmaker who also may try finding love herself until the revival starring Bette Middler and David Hyde Pierce, and I was missing out, even though I have yet to see it, I love the story and soundtrack is amazing, this soundtrack has a classic, timeless feel, that is still great today. The story is hilarious and even relate able, and all the characters are fun, here are some of my favorite songs from the show

I Put My Hand In
It Takes a Woman
Put on Your Sunday Clothes
Before The Parade Passes By
Penny in My Pocket
Hello Dolly

If you would like to hear a very fun, classic show i highly recommend this, till next time I hope youre day is a showstopper

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

14 Broadway Love Songs

Happy Valentines day, whether you have a date tonight or not, today is a day dedicated to love so here in no particular order are 14 Broadway themed love songs to set the mood for today that are also great songs to listen to all year round.

Seven Wonders ( Catch Me if You Can The Musical)
It Takes Two ( Into the Woods)
Helpless ( Hamilton)
That Would be Enough ( Hamilton)
Something to Believe in ( Newsies)
When Your'e Home ( In the Heights)
Right Hand Man ( Something Rotten)
Goodnight My Someone ( Music Man)
Marian the Librarian ( Music Man) 
A Heart Full of Love ( Les Miserables)
All I Ask of You ( Phantom of the Opera)
A Whole New World ( Aladdin)
What I Did For Love ( Chorus Line/ Josh Grouban Stages)
Crazier Then You ( Adams Family The Musical) 

Happy Valentines day, I hope your day is a showstopper

Monday, February 12, 2018

Shows I Love: Hamilton

You knew this would come up eventually this is in my top three favorite musicals of all time, and even though I haven't seen the show and yet I love it, the energy, the lyrics and the characters all come together that make an unforgettable experience even just listing to the album ( Which is the whole show). Though I love other shows, this one is so unique it had to climb into my personal top three musicals of all time. I do plan to rank every song from start to finish and why they are the best on the one year anniversary of this blog. as well as posts pertaining to some of my other personal favorites, the memories tied to them but that is for another time. here are my favorite songs, or some should I say...

Guns and Ships
My Shot (L)
The Room Where it Happens
History has It's Eyes on You
Cabinet Battle 1 (L)
You'll Be Back
One Last Time

The list could go on trust me... I enjoy it that much

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Shows I Love: Legally Blonde the Musical

Sometimes shows can surprise you, we think of how a musical based on a movie that was not a musical before is just an lazy way to make money off of the film, but it is not the case with "Legally Blonde the Musical". This show takes the movie and adds very fun catchy songs, making a hilarious, witty package that tell a good story of not being who you are labeled as, with some very memorable songs added in as well. This show was filmed live on MTV but if you can find a  civic theater production, I recommend, this show is for a slightly older audience but it is a great time. here are some songs I would recommend looking into if you are interested and would maybe like to add something new to your playlist.

So Much Better (L)
Whipped into Shape (L)
Legally Blonde Reprsie
Chip on My Shoulder (L)
Found my Way/ Finale
Harvard Varations
What you Want

So if you need something to hold you over until " Mean Girls the Musical" premieres and the album drops, this may be it. until next time I hope your day is a showstopper

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Shows I Love: Hairspray

I was talking to a friend t he other day and they told me hairspray was one of their favorites, It had been a while since I had listened to the show so I decided to revisit the soundtrack, last time i listened was after I reviewed it for introduction to theater in college.( the inspiration for this blog) And wow I forgot how fun this show is. Whether it's the film or the stage version the soundtrack is excellent, the songs are memorable, and the characters are very charming. The plot is very inspiring, being about chasing your dreams no matter who you are, and even some social commentary about the time period it is set in, added historical significance. Here are some of my favorite songs

Good Morning Balimore
Run And Tell That
Without Love
Your Can't Stop The Beat ( L)
Come so Far Got so Far to Go

If you want a fun show, that will inspire you as well as have amazing tunes, then this show will definitely be worth your time. Thank you for reading and I hope your day is a showstopper

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Broadway Book Club: Broadway Musicals: The Biggest Hits and the Biggest Flops of the Season-1959 to 2009

Image result for Broadway Musicals: The Biggest Hits and the Biggest Flops of the Season-1959 to 2009" by Peter Filichia

Welcome to a new series Broadway Book Club, where I take advice as well as share on Broadway based books I have been reading in my free time. Today's book is " Broadway Musicals: The Biggest Hits and the Biggest Flops of the Season-1959 to 2009" by Peter Filichia. This is a wonderful book that can be found for a reasonable price or at your local library. This show is a guide to the biggest hits and misses spanning the years listed, you can read it in order or skip to the years your favorite shows premiered and find out how it was when they first began, some shows have stories that you would not expect, and some of the biggest and best composers may have written a flop or two. This book is very fun and very informative. I highly recommend if you want to discover shows, and just because a show flopped does not mean it is bad, just unsuccessful. You may find a show that has a good soundtrack as well as learn new facts. This is a great read. What Broadway books have you been skimming through? till next time hope you day is a showstopper

Monday, February 5, 2018

Shows I Love: Newsies

Image result for newsies

Welcome to the first post in the month long theme of love. One of the shows I love dearly is Newsies.
This show is one of Alan Menkins finest. This follows the tale of many young boys who make their living selling papers, as the head of the paper raises prices they decide to take a stand, against all odds. The music is all memorable and catchy, you will be humming these tunes as soon as your done listening to them, the choreography is jaw dropping and the story may be simple but it has tons of heart, and very likable characters.

The songs are amazing, they are each unique and will inspire and get you fired up. It is one of my favorite soundtracks in any musical. The soundtrack is amazing, every song is worth at least one listen. Here are some of my favorite tracks

Carrying The Banner
The World Will Know
Seize the Day (L)
Santa Fe (L)
King of New York 
Once and For All ( L)

if you want to watch the show, try to find a tour when it comes around, but you can watch the live taped version on Netflix called " The Newsies Broadway Experience", it is a live production with the original cast, an audience, and even an intermission. I highly recommend if you are interested, it is one of Disney's best shows, and one of my favorites, and if you enjoy it on Netflix you may want to see it live, it is in my top three Broadway musicals of all time, it was my second show for countless reasons, check it out you may find a new favorite.

Source: Disneyplus.com

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Musicals that Would have an Awesome Film Adaptation

In the early days of this blog I picked a few movies that I believe would have really cool stage musical adaptations, like parent trap and la la land. Now time for the opposite, as I sat watching videos on YouTube an Advertisement for " Mama Mia 2, Here I Go Again" came up, I was beyond shocked since the stage didn't have a sequel yet the movie did. and I thought what stage shows would translate to the screen well, here are my thoughts and feel free to share yours as well.

Hamilton- I would love to see how this would translate to film, the energy of this show is one of a kind and I wonder how the choreography and acting would translate, I would at least would enjoy an attempt

Annie- Annie has had multiple adaptations, the last adaptation was not the best I would really love to see an adaptation with nothing added or changed so we could see this wonderful timeless story the way we do on stage

Dear Evan Hansen- This wonderful story with a pop soundtrack would be great, set in high school with a powerful message about life itself, this show should have a wider audience

What shows do you wish had movie adaptations, what shows that were originally movies do you love, one of my favorites is " Catch Me if You Can"