Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Should Musicals Have Film Adaptations

I was watching a youtube video the other day and I saw the trailer for " Mama Mia 2: Here We Go Again", and I was left with two questions, one was why did "Mama Mia" warrant a sequel, even when the stage show doesn't have a sequel, I'll revisit this question later. And the second question which is the topic of discussion today, do staged productions need film adaptions? Many people clamor for a "Hamilton" movie, and there has been talk of a " Wicked" movie for a long time. It is nice that there are easy access to a version of a show, but at certain times , songs are excluded, characters are changed, scenes are changed,  or the performance is given to someone who hasn't been trained in the musical style of singing.

But there are other times where a movie can be just as good as a staged adaption, and with enough love and care, it's a performance you can watch countless times, without paying a ticket fee, just a one time DVD cost. Sometimes the film gets it right, and other times it's a cash in.

Musicals are fun to experience live due to hearing audience reactions, seeing a story play out as well as taking everything in such as the set and music, that's why some productions have live recordings on DVD and on sites like

Yet it is interesting to see popular actors take on the roles we all know and love, yet sometimes the stories take important parts out of the show for example some of my favorite songs are removed from " Into the Woods" and some characters are downplayed or removed as well, but then " Hairspray" is a note for note adaption that is well acted and sung.

What do you think, should shows stay on the stage or hit the big screen. Till next time I hope your day is a showstopper

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